AWG refers multi stranded conductors.
Class solid conductor
Class stranded conductor
Class flexible conductor
Class highly flexible conductor
UL-approved terminals
KR/KS, KRF/KSF, KRFS, KRT/KST approved in
accordance with file no. Area mm²
250 127 0,013
300 152 0,020
350 177 0,032
400 203 0,051
450 228 0,080
500 253 0,13
550 279 0,20
600 304 0,33
650 329 0,56
700 355 0,65
750 380 0,82
800 405 1,04
850 431 1,31
900 456 1,65
1000 507 2,08
1100 557 2,62
1200 608 3,31
1300 659 4,17
1400 709 5,26
1500 760 6,63
1600 811 8,37
1700 861 10,6
1800 912 13,3
1900 963 16,8
2000 1013 21,2
3 26. The types relating AWG vary depending the different design the conductors,
Brass alloy about 70% copper and
about 30% zinc and has very good cold
form properties.
This then provides terminal that
exhibits low transitional resistance and
good mechanical properties.
Exact areas for specific number strands can found cable provider catalogues.95 Its
excellent properties for use electrical
terminals are among the following:
• high conductivity (only silver better)
• high corrosion resistance
• good formability
• good sealability
In manufacturing the neck the termi-
nal element soft soldered order to
obtain good form properties and good
enclosure around the conductor as
possible during the contact crimping. bimetal (copper
aluminium) terminal, the copper part is
untreated.7 and its excellent
qualities are:
• low weight
• strong, relation its weight
• good electrical conductivity, approxima-
tely 60% the conductivity copper
• easy work with
Conductor design
Cable standard IEC 60228 provides:
Information about materials, construction and resistan-
ce values for both copper and aluminium conductors.4
2 33.
AWG refers single strand conductors. certified
products are delivered with marking the label
including the file number and/or certification
code for control inspector.4
1/0 53,5
2/0 67,4
3/0 85,5
4/0 107
1 42.
The copper used Elpress for termi-
nals has purity least 99. The information this table comes from catalogues published respected cable
providers and does not refer official standards.
MCM and AWG cross-reference table the corresponding area
in mm²
Brass mainly used for flat pin sleeves
in areas mm², where good
suspension properties are desired. The certificate
can downloaded Product IQ. E205350.
The copper and brass products are
electrolytically tin plated for increased
corrosion resistance. the number strands.e.12:8
Technical information
Connecting materials
Elpress uses copper, brass and aluminium
as terminal materials. Area mm² AWG No.
The aluminium used for through
connectors and cable terminals has a
purity least 99