In addition this, there are large
number more industry-specific
standards for railways switchgear
where, addition the requirements of
IEC 61238-1-1, there may need for
vibration and environmental testing.
A good cable stripper guarantees clean
stripping without damage individual
strands, follow Elpress instructions for
stripping lengths.
Crimping tools should checked before
starting work, avoid the risk injury
and ensure good result. There are also manuals that
show regulations and recommendations
for different types installations.12:3
Standards for contact crimping
Standards for electrical terminals
SEK Svensk Elstandard appointed by
the government responsible for all
standardisation within the electrical area
in Sweden.
For type testing electrical terminals,
the current standard IEC 61238-1-1, it
supersedes all national standards.
It very important that all tool parts are
kept dry and clean and that they are
regularly checked for damage.
SEK Svensk elstandard, https://elstandard.
In newer installations with higher
demands current and temperature, it
is important choose materials tested
according current
IEC, https://www.cenelec.iec.
It has been active since 1993 and was last
updated 2018 and thus the standard
that best meets the requirements that
can imposed today’s installations.
These standards are available the SEK
The crimp dies are the key success-
ful crimping process, whether they are
hydraulically manually operated.
Crimp results
For good crimp result, you have to
ensure clean conductor surfaces, without
visible oxide
CENELEC, https://www.
Damage and/or contamination tool
parts can lead deterioration the
end result and shortened tool life.
The Standards are established mainly
through international and European
collaborations within the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and
CENELEC (Comite’Européen Normali-
sation Electrotechnique).eu/
Tests against standard
Many existing products for electrical
terminals are older than IEC 61238-1-1,
this does not mean that they have be
retested against the new standard to
be acceptable, the standard they were
tested against launch applies. This is
rarely problem they are likely be
used installations the same age. SEK represents
and coordinates Swedish companies and