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Poznámky redaktora
ø Name Net weight (kg) Length Pcs/pack 21 FSHD23 1,088 800 5 FSHD31 Steel extension rod, HD, equipped with guide pin that fits inside the preceding rod. Robust rod intended for hard and rocky ground. FSHD11 Hardened steel tip intended for hard and rocky ground. driving cap. Tip (FSHD1x), leading rod (FSHD2x) and extension rod (FSHD3x). Designed for hard and rocky ground. ø Name Net weight (kg) Length Note Pcs/pack 21 FSHD31 1,224 870 Length incl. mm² Name Net weight (kg) Length Pcs/pack 25-70 (95) FSHD11 0,254 153 5 FSHD23 Steel leading rod, equipped with grooved notch secure the earth line effectively. Used conjunction with leading rod FSHD23.11:5 11 Deep earthing system FSHD Elpress deep-earthing system with thicker rods for tougher soil conditions FSHD (HD: ”Heavy Duty”) consists parts