System Elpress terminals and tools

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g. HKL55 and KL55 A series cable cutters covering almost all needs when cutting power cables and lines.Not for steel wire and wire reinforced cable. HKL85 and KL85 . Max ø conductor Name Net weight (kg) Length Width Height 40 HKL40 6,058 645 165 85 55 HKL55 4,133 560 140 55 85 HKL85 7,6 745 190 72 40 KL40 4,7 285 105 85 55 KL55 3,5 300 110 55 85 KL85 6,7 385 170 75 Technical Specifications HKL40/KL40/HKL55/KL55/HKL85/KL85 Hydraulic manual cutters HKL40 HKL55 HKL85 Hydraulic cutting heads KL40 KL55 KL85 Max.10:13 10 HKL40/KL40, HKL55/KL55, HKL85/KL85 HKL40, KL40. cutting force, 55 Max. The cutter heads (KL) are operated with one Elpress’pumps, e. opening 85 Max. cutting capacity, examples. foot pump P4000 pump PS710. copper cable 400 (500) mm² 630 mm² Cu annealed solid conductor 20 Cu rod 30 Aluminium cable 3x240+95 mm² 3x240+95 mm² 630 (800 mm²) Al annealed solid conductor 25 ACSR 40 Al bar 40 Telephone cable 55 Steel wire (<180daN/mm²) 11 Steel rod 18 Do cut wire reinforced cable