System Elpress terminals and tools

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This catalogue the property Elpress. Although every effort has been made ensure correct and updated information time printing, Elpress makes reservation for misprints, wrong or outdated information and changes.elpress. Any reproduction full, part pictures, forbidden without prior written permission from Elpress AB. Elpress head office, factory and warehouse are located Kramfors, Elpress has been developing, manufacturing and marketing complete cable crimping systems for electrical connectors since The Elpress Group, consisting Elpress and ABIKO business areas, owned by Lagercrantz Group Business aim “The business aim the Elpress Group provide, primarily professional users, qualified material and knowledge concerning electrical applications, with high level service and product expertise. with local warehouses Silkeborg/Denmark, Beijing/China and Chicago/USA. .R. China Tel:+86 5979 6187 Fax:+86 6438 5279 info@elpress.” Contact us Head office Elpress AB Industrivägen 15 Elpress A/S Randersvej 16 DK-8600 Silkeborg, Denmark Tel +45 8681 11 www.elpress. Box 186 SE-872 Kramfors, Sweden Tel +46 612 00 sales@elpress.Subsidiaries Elpress GmbH Kränkelsweg 24 DE-417 Viersen, Germany Tel +49 2162 19-0 sales@elpress. such documentation required, please contact your nearest Elpress representative Elpress directly. Subsidiaries Elpress GmbH, Elpress A/S, Elpress AS, Elpress (Beijing) Ltd. The information contained this catalogue for commercial use select products www. Elpress reserve the right change, update discontinue products without prior Customer support Tel +46 612 70 support@elpress. DongsanhuanBei Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100027, Elpress (Beijing) Electrical Components www.elpress.O., Ltd Rm 1605, Diyang Tower, Elpress Inc. not intended for use instructions, production drawings, instruction manuals likewise. and Elpress Inc.elpress., 900 Oakmont Lane, Suite 207, Westmont 60559 USA Tel: +1-331-814 2910 Fax: +1-331-814 2914 Order Tel +46 612 70 Elpress AS Bruket 31, 79 N-1621 Gressvik, Norway Tel +47 02 sales@elpress.elpress