System Elpress terminals and tools

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Kroužkové, vidličkové a kolíkové konektory Elpress ...

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Poznámky redaktora
Properties: • box made polypropylene, insert made polystyrene • compartments • 346 pre-insulated 0.13 01 PL450 Elpress assortment box designed for hobby use.5-M5 screws mm² AWG Name Net weight (kg) Length mm Width Height 0,5-6 20-10 HB150 0,781 245,5 215 56,5 .5-6 mm² terminals • connection blocks • crimping tool hobby T50, which contact crimps, cuts and strips and including mm² and cuts M2.5-M5 screws mm² AWG Name Net weight (kg) Length mm Width Height 0,5-6 20-10 PL450 1,019 245,5 215 56,5 HB150 Elpress assortment box designed for hobby use.5 mm² terminals • connection blocks • crimping tool hobby T50, which contact crimps, cuts and strips and including mm² and cuts M2. Properties: • box made polypropylene, insert made polystyrene • compartments • 147 pre-insulated 0