Osvětlovací stožáry ELV Produkt

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Vydal: ELV PRODUKT a.s.

Strana 50 z 52

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Selection brackets „comparative surface area“ Example: Pole STK 60/60/3K12. Locality m/s mountain locality 1300m a. 3. Valid 700 a. - Divide the value „surface the value „Comparative Surface Area the bracket.0 II Locality m/s ref. Select type pole and bracket. The table based calculations where luminaire Comparative Surface Area has 0,10 surface area exposed 2 to the wind and its weight kg. Surface area 0,5 2 0 - Bracket V1T-05-D Location Bratislava 26m/s Terrain category suburbs. case the result 2 is equal more than the bracket suitable for the pole.s. Comparative surface area These conditions are wind velocity, terrain category and luminaire. Terrain category III. is value derived from the load the bracket mounted the pole given conditions.l.0 Guide for customer select suitable bracket terms the load capacity pole. According the Table Brackets the comparative surface area for height pole 0,23 Surface area comparative surface 2 0,5 /0,23 suitable. Locality m/s I ref. Terrain category IV area which least 15% the surface covered with buildings and . Find out selected bracket suitable for selected pole (coloured columns the Tables Poles and Brackets). Terrain category II Area with low vegetation such grass and isolated (trees, buildings) with separations of least obstade heights. 2. - Select terrain category from according instructions below.s. Instructions: 1.Terrain category 0 Sea, coastal area exposed the open sea.0 l.0 Locality m/s (700 1300m ) III ref. When using luminaires values different those the table more than 10% the Comparative Surface Area Table should only taken informative. their average height exceeds 15m Terrain category III Area with regular cover vegetation or buildings with isolated obstacles withseparations maximum 20 obstacle heights such villages, suburban terrain permanent forest ) Terrain category I Lakes area with negligible vegetation and without obstacles.l.) IV ref. State basic wind velocity compliance with : STN 1991-1-4 - Select locality according wind velocity map Slovakia. this case consultation with producer is required. 0 2, 50 POPRAD BRATISLAVA TRNAVA NITRA LUČENEC ZVOLEN BANSKÁ BYSTRICA TRENČÍN ŽILINA RUŽOMBEROK STROPKOV PREŠOV KOŠICE