Měřicí příslušenství BEHA, POMONA, FLUKE

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Měřicí příslušenství pro běžná měření. Testovací vodiče, krokosvorky, hroty, příchytky atd.

Autor: GHV Trading

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Poznámky redaktora
ating: Conforms IEC61010-2-031, Overvoltage Cat III, 1000V, 20A max.Pomona. clips insulators/pkg. td.0in (25.24in (6. Colors: Black, Red.86m Rating: Maximum voltage hands free use. Alligator Test Clip Banana Jack, with Insulator, Solderable M odel# 89-* 40-* 6567 P latin Features Gold Nickel Nickel clip and insulator/pkg. Accepts 0. 64).30in (7. Opening: 1.30in (7. Colors: Black, Red, -02 two alligator clips, Black, Red.40m max. Miniature Alligator Test Clip with 2mm Banana Jack Jaw pening: 0.16in (4m sheathed banana plug, Pomona model 5907A test leads. Alligator Test Clip Pin Tip Jack with Insulator M odel# 1437-* Jaw pening: Alligator clip has 0.166in (4mm) Sheathed Banana Plug M odel# 6573A* Fits Sheathed Banana 0. (Sold unassembled) clips and insulators per pkg. E S Grabbers and est lip s Medium Alligator Clip Set 70 M odel# 5916A Features Set Clips Black and Red Large Alligator Clip Set M odel# 6041B 6042B-* Features Set Clips Black and Red Clip Insulated clip with sheathed 0. Sold pkgs per color. ating: 45V, +80°C (+176°F) max. 5A, 122°F (+50°C) max. clips and insulators/pkg. 5A, 122°F (+50°C) max. verall Length: 2. Sold pkgs per color.9mm).16in (4mm) receptacle accepts flexible lead sets 5907A, 5908A, 5909A (p.5in (88. Alligator Clip with Boot for 0. td. Colors: Black, Red. Length: 2. verall Length: 1. *Std Colors: Black, Red. Mini-alligator Clip with 2mm Jack M odel# 72924-0 72924-2 Color Black Red *S td. verall Length: 6in (54. 150V. ating: 1000V CAT III per IEC61010-2-031, 10A, -13 176°F (-25 80°C).86m Rating: Maximum voltage hands free use.16in (4mm) receptacle accepts flexible lead sets 5907A, 5908A and 5909A (p.62m max. opening: 0.30in (7.6m max.16in (4m ) Clip plugs onto 0. td. Jaw pening: 0.57". Overall Length: 2.62m max. verall Length: 3. Colors: Black, Red. w tro m *see rating message section.15m Rating: Conforms IEC61010-2-031, Overvoltage Cat II, 300V, max.25in (57. Sold unassembled.90mm). aterials: Alligator clip: nickel-plated steel, Boot: Santoprene rubber.08in (2.30in (7.62m max. * ode: Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow Green, Blue, Violet, Gray, hite . pin.16in (54.91in (73. Rating: 600V Cat II, 10A. 150V.03m dia. Insulated clip with sheathed 0. 64).10m max. Jaw Opening: Alligator clip has 0