9mm). verall Length: 1.79mm). 5A, 122°F (+50°C) max. 45V. Colors: Black, Red
For pincer dimensions see page 68. 5A, 176'F (+80°C) max.
R atings: The components this section have hands free rating for use controlled voltage environments. verall Length: 2. Colors: Black, Red.
For hook dimensions see page 68. ating: Maximum voltage for hands free use.187in (4. ating: Maximum voltage hands free use. ating: Maximum voltage hands free use: 250V. Rotating pincer type contact easier access.Grabbers and lip s
Do-It-Yourself SMD Grabber* Test Clips
M odel# 5520
Features Kit containing pcs 5243 one each color
Do-It-Yourself Flexible Maxigrabber* Test Clips
M odel# 5830-
Pincer type contact designed testing 0. max. odel# 33-* Features Black, Red, Green, hite
Do-It-Yourself Micrograbber* Test Clips
For pincer dimensions see page 68.09in (2.27m lead pitches such SOJ, SOIC and PLCC surface mounted packages. Standard banana jack and screw direct wire termination. ire Opening: 0. Colors: Black, Red, Yellow, Green, White.5A, 216°F (+102°C) max. Colors: Black, Red.71in (43.75m max.71in (43.
w tro m
.43mm).635mm) Square Pin
M odel# 4521*
1 Features Sold individually |
*S Colors: Black, Red.43m ria Gold plated brass Rating: 150V, 3A, +216°F (+102°C) max.05in (1. 150V.59in (65.
O verall Length: 1.07mm).025in (0.
Do-It-Yourself Minipincer* Test Clip
M odel# 5418-’ Pincer type contact.
Micrograbber* Test Clip with 0. Rating: Maximum voltage for hands free use. However, compliance these products are not intended for hand held use voltages above Vrms/70 Vdc.05in (52.29m dia. verall Length: 6.
Insulated Minigator Test Clip Pin Tip Jack
Ja Opening: Alligator clip has 0. verall Length: 2.22in (157. 300V. 0