6m 36in (0.144in (3.3m 24in (0.087in (2.9m 60in (1.21m O.
Multi-Stacking Banana Plug Minigrabber® Test Clip (Coiled) Patch Cord
M odel# 38-*
| |
Multi-Stacking Banana Plug Patch Cord with In-Line Fuse Holder 1. Maximum voltage for hands free use. Colors: Black, Red.Patch Cords and Test Leads
Multi-Stacking Banana Plug Coiled Patch Cord
M odel# 84*
I |
Ext. Maximum voltage for hands free use. 5A, +131°F (+55°C).D.D. td.35mm)
M odel# 14-36-* 14-60-*
Length 36in (0. ating: For compiiance and for personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.060in (1. ating: For compliance and for personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.D. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage. Maximum voltage hands free use.D.D. Maximum voltage hands free use. Code: Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Gray, White
Right Angle Stacking Banana Plug Patch Cord
Cable: AWG Wire, 0.55n (39.36in (9. Colors: Black, Red.52m O. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage. Length 48in (1.14m body width.2mm).
w m
Multi-Stacking Banana Plug Maxigrabber® Test Clip
M odel#
Length 36in (0. 300V.9m |
49 96-36-* |
2. Colors: Black, Red.087in (2. Colors: Black, Red. 270 Vdc. 300V.21m O. 5A, +131 (+55°C) max.D. Extended Length: 48in (1. not use circuits where (22 60m transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage.6m )
Hook attaches components 0. 300V. td.5m )
Cable: AWG Wire, 0.15A, +131°F (+55°C). Hook attaches component leads 0. Maximum voltage hands free use.2m |
Hook attaches components 0.56m O. Length 48in (1.37mm)
Cable: AWG Wire, 0.55in
(39.56mm) O.14in (3. 5000 Vdc.D.060in (1.88in (22.21m O. Maximum voltage for hands free use. Colors: Black, Red. Cable: AWG Wire, 0.D. td.52m O. 5A, +131°F (+55°C) max.144in (3. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage. Maximum voltage hands free use. ating: For compliance and for personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.D.55in (39.52mm) odel# 2864-24-' Length 24in (0. „a\ __i 5000 Vdc. 3000 Vdc.9m )
Features slim 0.9m 48in (1.060in (1.5m )
Hook attaches component leads 0.52m O.D. Colors: Black, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue.
Multi-Stacking Banana Plug Minigrabber® Test Clip
M odel# 49-12-* 49-24-* 49-36-*
Length 12in (0.23m )
1 |
Cable: AWG Wire, 0. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage. ating: ForC compliance and for personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc. 15A, +131°F (+55°C) max.21m O.
1. Cable: AWG Wire, 0. ating: For compliance and for personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc. Colors: Black, Red. ating: For compliance and for personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc. 5A, +131°F (+55°C) max.52m O.2m 60in (1.54in (64. One patch cord replaces many different lengths.D.21m O.087in (2.087in (2. Colors: Black, Red. ating: For compliance and personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.060in (1. Cable: AWG Retractile Cord, 0.3m 24in (0. ating: For compliance and for personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.087in (2. 5A, +131 (+55°C) max.37mm) odel# 4274-36I Length 36in (0.
Multi-Stacking Banana Plug Miniature Stacking Banana Plug
0. 300V. Maximum voltage hands free use. 5A.9m )
Multi-Stacking Banana Plug Minigrabber® Test Clip
M odel# 82-12-* 82-24-* 82-36-* 82-48-* 82-60-*
Length 12in (0. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage.56m O. Cable: AWG Silicone insulated wire, 0.6m 36in (0. 1.D