Měřicí příslušenství BEHA, POMONA, FLUKE

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Měřicí příslušenství pro běžná měření. Testovací vodiče, krokosvorky, hroty, příchytky atd.

Autor: GHV Trading

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Poznámky redaktora
144in (3.6m 36in (0.3m 18in (0.3m 24in (0.5m ) _ 1. Maximum voltage hands free use. td.2m 60in (1. hether you need test lead that can access pin without shorting patch cord that accom odates multiple stacking, Pomona Electronics’ design and reliability are your connection with quality.55in (39.37m H B-4-* B-8-* -12-* -18-* -24-* -36-* -48-* 4in (0. Horizontal Stacking Banana Plug Patch Cord M ode -12-* -24-* -36-* -48-* -60-* Length 12in (0. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage.56m O. 0.46mm) Multi-stacking Sheathed (4mm) Banana Plug Patch Cord M odel# 67274 (1. 1. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage.144in (3.56m O.13m 0. 15A, +131°F (+55°C) max.3m 18in (0.144in (3. E C S 40 Pomona has ade easy for you have exactly what you need with huge selection patch cords and test leads designed for reliable, convenient connections.320in (8. 0. Colors: Black, Red.43m ) Num ber Slots 9 T 0.33m 0. Colors: Black only, Red only.5m Gold-plated finish Cable: AWG Wire, 0.56m O. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage. Colors: Black, Red.6m 36in (0.2 meter) stackable safety lead. Maximum voltage for hands free use. 5000 Vdc.5m ) Cable: AWG Wire, 0. td.2m 60in (1. td.65mm) ating: For compliance and personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.2m 60in (1.66m 0.78mm1 Rating: For compliance and for personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc. Wire Specifications W ire esignation ilico PTO AWG escription 65/36 copper 65/36 copper 41/35 copper 26/36 copper 38/36 copper O. -2 Lead Length ------------------------T" (Measured Inside Connectors) Specify r----------------------------- Multi-Stacking Banana Plug Patch Cord i 1.6m 36in (0.8m ) Test Lead Holders M odel# 1508 4408 2708 C olor Orange Black Blue “A” Cable Dia. 5000 Vdc. Rating: IEC61010 1000V Cat III, 20A max (10A cont. odel# 2948-12-* 2948-24-* 2948-36-* 2948-48-* 2948-60-* 12in (0.66m Jacket PVC Silicone PVC PVC PVC Tem perature Range 221°F (-20 +105°C) -58 302°F (-50 +150°C) 221°F (-20 +105°C) 221°F (-20 +105°C) 140°F(+60°C) Color Colors Black and Red colors colors Black, Red, Green How Order Test Lead Length Typical Pomona Part Number. Rating: For compliance and for personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.9m 48in (1.53in (13.15A, +131°F (+55°C) max.1m 8in (0.62m 0.210in (5.66m 0.20m 0. td.2m 12in (0. Colors: Available Colors. 0.9m 48in (1.Patch Cords and Test Leads Pomona.D.144in (3.5m 24in (0.087in (2.3m 24in (0.D. ria Contacts: nickel-plated brass; Wire: ulti-strand copper, Insu tion: silicone.9m 48in (1.D.144in (3.20m ) B -60-* -72-* M odel Multi-Stacking Banana Plug Patch Cord features nickelplated finish.6m 36in (0. 0.96in ___J 49.), 176°F (-10 +80°C).52in (13.D.450in (11. 15A, +131°F (+55°C) max.5m 24in (0.9m 48in (1.38in (9. Maximum voltage for hands free use. M odel 2948 Multi-Stacking Banana Plug Patch Cord features gold-plated finish.2m 60in (1. td.37mm) Cable: AWG Wire, 0. Cross Stacking Banana Plug Patch Cord M odel# 40-12-* 40-18-* 40-24-* 40-36-* 40-48-* 40-60-* Length 12in (0. 5000 Vdc.064in (1. w m *C Code: Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Gray, White .144in (3. Colors: blk, red.5m 72in (1.55in (39