Měřicí příslušenství BEHA, POMONA, FLUKE

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Měřicí příslušenství pro běžná měření. Testovací vodiče, krokosvorky, hroty, příchytky atd.

Autor: GHV Trading

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Flexible Color-coded Sleeves for BNC Cables M odel# 6291 I 1 Pkg.2m (0.D.8m (2. ideal product HDTV and digital video well test and measurement. Color: Black. Rating: Maximum voltage for hands free use.0m 12ft (3.206in RG223 2249-Y-12 2249-Y-24 2249-Y-36 2249-Y-48 2249-Y-60 2249-Y-72 2249-Y-96 2249-Y-120 2249-Y-144 2249-Y-180 2249-Y-240 7 Cable O. colors. Available colors.100in RG174/U 2249-K-6 2249-K-12 2249-K-24 2249-K-36 2249-K-48 2249-K-60 2249-K-72 2249-K-96 2249-K-120 2249-K-180 2249-K-240 2249-K-300 5 Cable O.3m 24in (0.5m 72in (1.6m) (9.D. Model 6510-V uses true con­ nector for superior VSWR and low return loss GHz. M odel 5266-C the same high quality construction Model 2249-C with connector (one end only. . The RG58C/U cable makes ideal for most test and measurement applications.D.37in (85. odel# 4964-SS-12 4964-SS-24 4964-SS-36 3. w m .2m 60in (1. See chart page additional wire and cable specifications.1m) 25ft (7. Qty | IEC Insulated BNC Male 50n Cable M odel# 72926-C-40 72926-C-80 Length 40in (100cm 80in (200cm ) PVC sleeves which help prevent inad­ vertent contact with the outer shell the BNC and allow color-coding.D. Length 12in (0. Recommended Frequency Range: 10KHz BNC: Body: tarnish resistant nickelplated brass; Center Contact: goldplated brass; Dielectric: PTFE. Use when additional shielding required.1m) 50ft (15.6m (0.60m )- Length 5 Cable O. BNC: Body: tarnish resistant nickelplated brass; Center Contact: goldplated brass; Dielectric: PTFE. Strain elief: PVC molded directly cable and connectors. The cable ideal for low power, low frequency measurements.2m 60in (1. 500 s*, +122°F (+50°C) max. 500 Vrms*. .9m (1. The highly flexible RG59/U type cable has gas injected foam polyethylene dielectric with PVC jacket low loss and superior shield coverage.8m 120in (3.37in (85. Colors: contains ea. tra elief: PVC molded directly cable and connectors.5m 72in (1.4m 10ft (3. Strain Relief: PVC molded directly cable and connectors.242in RG59B/U 2249-E-6 2249-E-12 2249-E-24 2249-E-36 2249-E-48 2249-E-60 2249-E-72 2249-E-120 2249-E-144 2249-E-180 2249-E-240 2249-E-300 2249-E-360 2249-E-600 5 Cable O.0m 240in (6.60m ■ M odel 4964-SS uses special lowtriboelectric cable which has noise attenuating layers surrounding the cen­ ter conductor.6m 36in (0.6m 36in (0.3m 24in (0.60m 4964-SS-48 4964-SS-60 4964-SS-72 4964-SS-120 4964-SS-240 Model 2249-C Pomona Electronics’ ost popular cable.195in RG58C/U 2249-C-6 2249-C-12 2249-C-24 2249-C-36 2249-C-48 2249-C-60 2249-C-72 2249-C-96 2249-C-120 2249-C-144 2249-C-180 2249-C-240 2249-C-300 2249-C-360 2249-C-600 5 Cable O. .5ft (0.Coaxial Cable Assemblies and Breakouts BNC Male Cable with Molded Strain Relief -3 7in (85.95 RG58C/U .D. Highly flexible cable and molded strain relief prevent excessive bending kinking. Rating: 500V Cat 150V Cat 3A. Fit ost BNC male connectors. .) BNC: Body: tarnish resistant nickel-plated brass; Center Contact: gold-plated brass; Dielectric: PTFE.6m) 20ft (6.3m (0.1m ) M odel 2249-E RG59B/U cable, making the right choice use with TV, video and LAN applications.195 4.8m ) & - 3. See chart page additional wire and cable specifications. odel 2249-Y RG223/U cable with double shield.5m (1.) BNC Male Low-Noise Cable BNC Male True 75n High Flex Cable M odel# 6510-V-12-0 6510-V-24-0 6510-V-36-0 6510-V-48-0 6510-V-60-0 6510-V-72-0 Length 12in (0.2m (1. . *C Code: Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Gray, White *see rating message start section.7m 15ft (4. See chart page additional wire and cable specifications.2m ) 5266-C-60 Rating: Maximum voltage hands free use.9m 48in (1. Model 2249-K RG174/U offers superior flexibility cable., (“Y” Cable 176°F (+80°C). Perfect for use with any the Model 2249- type cables.9m 48in (1