60m 4964-SS-48 4964-SS-60 4964-SS-72 4964-SS-120 4964-SS-240
Model 2249-C Pomona Electronics’ ost popular cable.5ft (0. colors. The highly flexible RG59/U type cable has gas injected foam polyethylene dielectric with PVC jacket low loss and superior shield coverage.)
BNC Male Low-Noise Cable
BNC Male True 75n High Flex Cable
M odel# 6510-V-12-0 6510-V-24-0 6510-V-36-0 6510-V-48-0 6510-V-60-0 6510-V-72-0
Length 12in (0.195in RG58C/U 2249-C-6 2249-C-12 2249-C-24 2249-C-36 2249-C-48 2249-C-60 2249-C-72 2249-C-96 2249-C-120 2249-C-144 2249-C-180 2249-C-240 2249-C-300 2249-C-360 2249-C-600
5 Cable O., (“Y” Cable 176°F (+80°C). Colors: contains ea. tra elief: PVC molded directly cable and connectors. 500 Vrms*.Coaxial Cable Assemblies and Breakouts
BNC Male Cable with Molded Strain Relief
-3 7in (85.2m 60in (1.
Flexible Color-coded Sleeves for BNC Cables
M odel# 6291
I 1
Pkg. . The cable ideal for low power, low frequency measurements. See chart page additional wire and cable specifications. Recommended Frequency Range: 10KHz BNC: Body: tarnish resistant nickelplated brass; Center Contact: goldplated brass; Dielectric: PTFE.8m 120in (3. odel# 4964-SS-12 4964-SS-24 4964-SS-36 3. Highly flexible cable and molded strain relief prevent excessive bending kinking.95 RG58C/U
.9m 48in (1. Rating: Maximum voltage for hands free use. odel 2249-Y RG223/U cable with double shield.6m) (9. .60m ■
M odel 4964-SS uses special lowtriboelectric cable which has noise attenuating layers surrounding the cen ter conductor.3m 24in (0.D.1m) 50ft (15. See chart page additional wire and cable specifications.6m) 20ft (6.3m 24in (0.D. See chart page additional wire and cable specifications. 500 s*, +122°F (+50°C) max.6m (0.D.D. Fit ost BNC male connectors. Length 12in (0.60m )-
5 Cable O.2m )
Rating: Maximum voltage hands free use.2m (1.9m (1.
Model 6510-V uses true con nector for superior VSWR and low return loss GHz.8m (2. Perfect for use with any the Model 2249- type cables.195 4.2m 60in (1.37in (85. .) BNC: Body: tarnish resistant nickel-plated brass; Center Contact: gold-plated brass; Dielectric: PTFE.5m 72in (1.5m (1.1m )
M odel 2249-E RG59B/U cable, making the right choice use with TV, video and LAN applications. Available colors.100in RG174/U 2249-K-6 2249-K-12 2249-K-24 2249-K-36 2249-K-48 2249-K-60 2249-K-72 2249-K-96 2249-K-120 2249-K-180 2249-K-240 2249-K-300
5 Cable O. . The RG58C/U cable makes ideal for most test and measurement applications.
w m
*C Code: Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Gray, White
*see rating message start section.3m (0.37in (85. Use when additional shielding required. Qty |
IEC Insulated BNC Male 50n Cable
M odel# 72926-C-40 72926-C-80
Length 40in (100cm 80in (200cm )
PVC sleeves which help prevent inad vertent contact with the outer shell the BNC and allow color-coding.0m 240in (6.206in RG223 2249-Y-12 2249-Y-24 2249-Y-36 2249-Y-48 2249-Y-60 2249-Y-72 2249-Y-96 2249-Y-120 2249-Y-144 2249-Y-180 2249-Y-240
7 Cable O. ideal product HDTV and digital video well test and measurement.6m 36in (0.1m) 25ft (7.7m 15ft (4. .5m 72in (1.0m 12ft (3.2m (0. Model 2249-K RG174/U offers superior flexibility cable.8m )
- 3.D. Color: Black.242in RG59B/U 2249-E-6 2249-E-12 2249-E-24 2249-E-36 2249-E-48 2249-E-60 2249-E-72 2249-E-120 2249-E-144 2249-E-180 2249-E-240 2249-E-300 2249-E-360 2249-E-600
5 Cable O.
M odel 5266-C the same high quality construction Model 2249-C with connector (one end only. Strain Relief: PVC molded directly cable and connectors. BNC: Body: tarnish resistant nickelplated brass; Center Contact: goldplated brass; Dielectric: PTFE.
Rating: 500V Cat 150V Cat 3A.4m 10ft (3.6m 36in (0. Strain elief: PVC molded directly cable and connectors.9m 48in (1