Měřicí příslušenství BEHA, POMONA, FLUKE

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Měřicí příslušenství pro běžná měření. Testovací vodiče, krokosvorky, hroty, příchytky atd.

Autor: GHV Trading

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46mm) 1 H K-HhA Technical Specifications for Wire and Cable Cable Designation pedance Capacitance per 1ft/ 0.95m 0.8 22.35m 0. ith huge selection cables and breakouts offering alm ost every connector and clip combination, Pomona provides you the solution for any application. 0. Cable Assembly Holders M odel# 1508 4408 2708 Color Orange Black Blue “ Cable Dia.6m 36.0 30.79m ) TCB -40 167°F (-40 +75°C) 0.33m 0.9m 48.195in (4.15m SPC/SPC SCB/SCB SPC BAF/TCB BCB -94 392°F (-70 +200°C) -40 140°F (-40 +60°C) -94 392°F (-70 +200°C) -40 176°F (-40 +80°C) -40 176°F (-40 +80°C) 167°F (-40 +75°C) 0. Using high-quality materials such beryllium copper, gold and nick­ plating ensures the precision you rely on.43m ) 11.2m) coaxial cable assembly with matching BNC (m) ends, stress relief boots RG58 C/U, cable.8 pf PE TFE TFE CPE PE 26 20 7X34 7X22 Solid Solid 7X37 7X30 Solid 7X28 BCCS SPC SPCCS SPC SPCCS BCCS TC PVC PVCNC FEP PVCNC FEP PVC PVC PVC 0.83mm) T 3.110in (2.0in (1.05m 0.0 20.95m 0.8 30.0in (0.0 37. . S 6 How Order Exam ple: 48in .195in (4.0in (0.44m 0.304m 27.212in (5.210in (5.D.0 30.53in (13.84m ) Shield TCB BCB TCB K Triaxial 50 50 30. 0.8m SCCB/SCCB -40 176°F (-40 +80°C) 0.00in (279.5 pf* tio tric PVC Stranding Strands AWG 65X36 19X36 Solid 16X34 ire Type BCCS Jacket aterial PVC PVCNC PVCNC PVC Tem perature connectors) 221°F (-20 +105°C) -40 185°F (-40 +85°C) -40 140°F (-40 +60°C) -40 176°F (-40 +80°C) Type twisted pair, conductor Coax, RG58C/U Coax, RG59B/U icrophone, conductor, shielded Coax, RG174/U Coax, RG214/U Coax, RG142B/U Coax, RG223/U Coax, RG316/U Coax, RG58/U, low noise Coax, RG59/U Coax, 58A/U, double shielded AWG 22 Cable O.38m 0.242in (6.195in (4.2m 60.Pomona.320in (8.450in (11. However, compliance these products are not intended hand held use voltages above Vrms/70 Vdc.231in (5.4mm) N ber Slots 9 Cable Length T (68.15m 0.25in (6.096in (2. E C Coaxial Cable Assemblies and Breakouts Pomona the professional’s choice, whether the lab, plant the field.4 30.5m ) 1 0.242in (6.8 29.3m 24.0in (0.425in (10.13m 0.8 29.0in (1.240in (6.9mm) T ypical Pomona Part Num ber: Cable --------------------------------Cable Length s----------(Measured Inside Connectors) _____ I 2249-C -48 odel# 2249-C-12 2249-C -24 2249-C-36 2249-C-48 2249-C-60 Length 12.50in (188.10m TCB TCB40 FEP Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene Outside Diameter Not Applicable Polyethylene PVC Polyvinyl Chloride PVCNC Polyvinyl Chloride Non Contaminating SCB Silver Coated Braid SPC Silver Plated Copper SCCB Silver Coated Copper Braid SPCCS Silver Plated Copper Covered Steel SSPE Semi-Solid Polyethylene Tinned Copper TCB Tinned Copper Braid TFE Tetrafluoroethylene w m R atings: The components this section have hands free rating use controlled voltage environments