HIGH BAY senzor pohybu se spínacím kontaktem (EN)

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: OSRAM Česká republika s.r.o.

Strana 3 z 4

Poznámky redaktora
) O Variant floating switching (example with EASY Cou- pler) M Switch contact P EASY Coupler Q EASY control line R EASY control unit .) I K L N PE N PE 16A L N PE N L T1…8 GND L O M N M P Q R L N PE N PE 16A L N PE N L T1…8 GND L O M N M P Q R Limiting the detection area The supplied lens adhesives can used limit the detection area, e.g.Page 4 Installation (cont.: I End passageway/corridor K Middle passageway/corridor Connection diagram L Variant switching mains voltage M Switch contact N Load (ECG, lamps, etc