HIGH BAY senzor pohybu se spínacím kontaktem (EN)

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: OSRAM Česká republika s.r.o.

Strana 2 z 4

Poznámky redaktora
‚ Screw the motion detector, using the mounting adapter as aid, necessary.Page 4 Installation (cont. m 0 m 3 m 6 m 9 m 10 m 12 m 13 m 9 m max.  Unlock and remove the plastic cover turning anticlock- wise. . Follow the separate fitting instructions. m max. m max.) F G H max. „ Adjust the delay, necessary; see the separate operating instructions. H Avoid drafts (e.g. ƒ Connect the sensor; see the connection diagram. m Selecting the installation location F Maximum mounting height – – Detection movement persons: m (à detection area m) – – Detection movement vehicles: m (à detection area m) G Place devices that radiate heat outside the monitoring cone. Replace the plastic cover and lock turning clockwise. from ventilators) Attaching the motion detector the ceiling Note: The mounting adapter, available accessory, can be used for attachment