7334) Air
melted Hardened and tempered Bar for machining -
De 100 080 MPa 280 MPa ASD-STAN 2021-05-06
prEN 3375-011
Aerospace series Cable, electrical for digital data
transmission Part 011: Single braid Star Quad 100 ohms -
Light weight Type Product standard ASD-STAN 2021-05-20
prEN 10202
Cold reduced tinmill products Electrolytic tinplate and
electrolytic chromium/chromium oxide coated steel CEN/TC 459/SC 2021-04-29
prEN 16603-50-16 Space engineering Time triggered Ethernet CEN/CLC/JTC 2021-04-29
prEN 16602-30-11 Space product assurance Derating EEE components CEN/CLC/JTC 2021-04-29
Česká agentura pro standardizaci
ředitelka Odboru standardizace
Zdeňka Slaná r.Věstník 4/2021
prEN 16637-2
Construction products: Assessment release dangerous
substances Part Horizontal dynamic surface leaching
test CEN/TC 351 2021-05-20
prEN ISO 23821
Cosmetics Analytical methods Determination
of traces mercury cosmetics atomic absorbtion
spectrometry (AAS) cold vapour technology after pressure
digestion (ISO/DIS 23821:2021) CEN/TC 392 2021-04-29
prEN ISO 24442
Cosmetics Sun protection test methods vivo
determination sunscreen UVA protection
(ISO/DIS 24442:2021) CEN/TC 392 2021-05-17
EN ISO 24444:2020/prA1
Cosmetics Sun protection test methods vivo
determination the sun protection factor (SPF) -
Amendment (ISO 24444:2019/DAM 1:2021) CEN/TC 392 2021-05-13
prEN 17645
Domestic swimming pools Environmental performance
efficiency Performance evaluation, methodology,
and classification the use outdoor pools and their
equipment CEN/TC 402 2021-04-29
prEN 17647
General principles for manufacturing, filling and holding
e-liquids for prefilled containers products CEN/TC 437 2021-05-20
prEN 2213
Aerospace series Steel 15CrMoV6 (1.
.7334) Air
melted Hardened and tempered Bars -
De 980 MPa 180 MPa ASD-STAN 2021-05-06
prEN 2252
Aerospace series Steel 15CrMoV6 (1.7334) Forgings -
Bars 100 080 MPa 250 MPa ASD-STAN 2021-05-06
prEN 3523
Aerospace series Steel 15CrMoV6 (1