ČAS - Věstník 2020-11

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Poznámky redaktora
Věstník 11/2020 50 prEN ISO 28057 Clinical dosimetry Dosimetry with solid thermoluminescence detectors for photon and electron radiations radiotherapy (ISO 28057:2019) CEN/TC 430 2020-12-17 prEN ISO 20046 Radiological protection Performance criteria for laboratories using Fluorescence Situ Hybridization (FISH) translocation assay for assessment exposure ionizing radiation (ISO 20046:2019) CEN/TC 430 2020-12-17 prEN ISO 9161 Uranium dioxide powder Determination apparent density and tap density (ISO 9161:2019) CEN/TC 430 2020-12-17 prEN ISO 18256-2 Nuclear fuel technology Dissolution plutonium dioxide- containing materials Part Dissolution MOX pellets and powders (ISO 18256-2:2019) CEN/TC 430 2020-12-17 prEN ISO 11929-1 Determination the characteristic limits (decision threshold, detection limit and limits the coverage interval) for measurements ionizing radiation Fundamentals and application Part Elementary applications (ISO 11929-1:2019) CEN/TC 430 2020-12-17 prEN ISO 11929-2 Determination the characteristics limits (decision threshold, detection limit and limits the coverage interval) for measurements ionizing radiation Fundamentals and application Part Advanced applications (ISO 11929-2:2019) CEN/TC 430 2020-12-17 prEN ISO 14146 Radiological protection Criteria and performance limits for the periodic evaluation dosimetry services (ISO 14146:2018) CEN/TC 430 2020-12-17 prEN ISO 9463 Nuclear energy Nuclear fuel technology Determination of plutonium nitric acid solutions spectrophotometry (ISO 9463:2019) CEN/TC 430 2020-12-17 prEN ISO 16793 Nuclear fuel technology Guidelines for ceramographic preparation UO2 sintered pellets for microstructure examination (ISO 16793:2018) CEN/TC 430 2020-12-17 prEN ISO 11929-3 Determination the characteristics limits (decision threshold, detection limit and limits the coverage interval) for measurements ionizing radiation Fundamentals and application Part Application unfolding methods (ISO 11929-3:2019) CEN/TC 430 2020-12-17 prEN ISO 4037-4 Radiological protection and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response function photon energy Part Calibration of area and personal dosemeters low energy reference radiation fields (ISO 4037-4:2019) CEN/TC 430 2020-12-17 prEN ISO 4037-1 Radiological protection and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response function photon energy Part Radiation characteristics and production methods (ISO 4037-1:2019) CEN/TC 430 2020-12-17 prEN ISO 12807 Safe transport radioactive materials Leakage testing on packages (ISO 12807:2018) CEN/TC 430 2020-12-17 prEN ISO 18256-1 Nuclear fuel technology Dissolution plutonium dioxide-containing materials Part Dissolution plutonium dioxide powders (ISO 18256-1:2019) CEN/TC 430 2020-12-17 prEN ISO 4037-2 Radiological protection and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response function photon energy Part Dosimetry for radiation protection over the energy ranges from keV to 1,3 MeV and MeV MeV (ISO 4037-2:2019) CEN/TC 430 2020-12-17 prEN ISO 8299 Nuclear fuel technology Determination the isotopic and elemental uranium and plutonium concentrations nuclear materials nitric acid solutions thermal-ionization mass spectrometry (ISO 8299:2019) CEN/TC 430 2020-12-17