4307) Air melted -
Softened Plates, sheets and strips -
0,4 520 MPa 670 MPa ASD-STAN 2020-12-03
prEN 2573
Aerospace series Steel X6CrNiTi18-10 (1.4541) Air melted -
Softened Wires 0,25 780 MPa ASD-STAN 2020-12-03
prEN 3487
Aerospace series Steel X6CrNiTi18-10 (1.4541) Air melted -
Softened Bars for machining -
a 250 500 MPa 700 MPa ASD-STAN 2020-12-10
prEN 3488
Aerospace series Steel X6CrNiTi18-10 (1.4545) -
Consumable electrode remelted (ESR VAR) Solution treated
and precipitation treated (H1025) Bars for machining -
a 250 070 MPa 200 MPa Premium
quality (pq) ASD-STAN 2020-12-03
prEN ISO 10209
Technical product documentation Vocabulary Terms relating to
technical drawings, product definition and related documentation
(ISO/DIS 10209:2020) CEN/SS F01 2020-11-30
Česká agentura pro standardizaci
ředitelka Odboru standardizace
Zdeňka Slaná r.Věstník 11/2020
prEN ISO 4037-3
Radiological protection and gamma reference radiation for
calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining
their response function photon energy Part Calibration
of area and personal dosemeters and the measurement their
response function energy and angle incidence
(ISO 4037-3:2019) CEN/TC 430 2020-12-17
EN ISO 4833-1:2013/prA1
Microbiology the food chain Horizontal method for the
enumeration microorganisms Part Colony count at
30 degrees the pour plate technique Amendment 1:
Clarification scope (ISO 4833-1:2013/DAM 1:2020) CEN/TC 463 2020-12-10
prEN ISO 23418
Microbiology the food chain Whole genome sequencing
for typing and genomic characterization foodborne bacteria -
General requirements and guidance (ISO/DIS 23418:2020) CEN/TC 463 2020-12-11
prEN 2467
Aerospace series Steel X2CrNi18-9 (1.4541) Air melted -
Softened Sheets and strips -
a 500 MPa 700 MPa ASD-STAN 2020-12-10
prEN 3480
Aerospace series Steel X6CrNiTi18-10 (1.4541) Air melted -
Softened Plate 500 MPa 700 Mpa ASD-STAN 2020-12-03
prEN 4157
Aerospace series Rod end, with self-aligning double row ball
bearings and threaded shank steel Dimensions and loads,
Inch series ASD-STAN 2020-12-17
prEN 6093 Aerospace series Receptacle, floating, single lug ASD-STAN 2020-12-17
prEN 3228
Aerospace series Nuts, hexagonal, plain, reduced height, normal
across flats, steel, cadmium plated Classification: 900 MPa
(at ambient temperature)/235 ASD-STAN 2020-12-17
prEN 2996-001
Aerospace series Circuit breakers, three-pole, temperature
compensated, rated currents Part 001: Technical
specification ASD-STAN 2020-11-26
prEN 3661-001
Aerospace series Circuit breakers, single-pole, temperature
compensated, rated currents Part 001: Technical
specification ASD-STAN 2020-11-26
prEN 3662-001
Aerospace series Circuit breakers, three-pole, temperature
compensated, rated currents Part 001: Technical
specification ASD-STAN 2020-11-26
prEN 3774-001
Aerospace series Circuit breakers, three-pole, temperature
compensated, rated currents Part 001: Technical
specification ASD-STAN 2020-11-26
prEN 4842
Aerospace series Steel X5CrNiCu15-5 (WL 1.