ABB Softstartéry - komunikace (EN)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 94 z 225

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Write configuration data Modbus FBP FCT, Address and Number Words are fixed! Request 2F XX 5 L^rJ 1 50 fll Address i]W0 CRC â « Reply ~ 2F XX s V j> Address CRC K | W0 number binary inputs (30H 48D) W0 number binary outputs (10H 16D) W1 number analog inputs (09H 09D) W1 number analog outputs (06H= 06D) W2 number parameters (71H 113D) W3 number diagnosis-bytes (06H 06D) W3 not used W4 W5 W6 number parameters bytes (E2H 226D) product Code (2EE1H 12001D) bus timeout (00) 1SFC132043M0201 11 . Step 2 Now the master can send different Modbus telegrams order exchange data with the Softstarter.After the configuration the softstarter will regular Modbus slave (LED off) and will respond the polling telegrams the master