ABB Softstartéry - komunikace (EN)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 47 z 225

Poznámky redaktora
Type Parameter Description Range Unit 46 Write Freq Op. 58 Write Event V7 Different events include for signalling with V7 “Event” selected 0 65535, Bit mask see separate description. 57 Write Event K6 Different events include for signalling with K6 “Event” selected 0 65535, Bit mask see separate description. 56 Write Event K5 Different events include for signalling with K5 “Event” selected 0 65535, Bit mask see separate description. Type operation for frequency fault Stop-M, Stop-A 47 Write Temp Op Type operation for heat sink over temperature fault Stop-M, Stop-A 48 Write SCR Op Type operation for thyristor short circuit fault Stop-M, Stop-A 49 Read In0 Function programmable input In0 None, Reset, Enable, Jog, DOL-on, Start2, FB-Dis 50 Read Inl Function programmable input Inl None, Reset, Enable, Jog, DOL-on, Start3, FB-Dis 51 Write Relay Function programmable relay output Run, TOR, Event 52 Write Relay Function programmable relay output Run, TOR, Event 53 Write Relay Function programmable relay output Run, TOR, Event 54 Write Outp Function programmable software output Run, TOR, Event 55 Write Event K4 Different events include for signalling with K4 “Event” selected 0 65535, Bit mask see separate description. No, 3 63 Write Start Rampl 1st sequence, time for start ramp -120 Sec 64 Write Init Voltl 1st sequence, initial voltage for start ramp % 65 Write Curr Liml 1st sequence, current limit 2,0 7,0 xle 66 Write 1st Set 1st sequence, motor rated current 3000 (*) Amp 67 Write Start Ramp2 2nd sequence, time for start ramp -120 Sec 68 Write Init Volt2 2nd sequence, initial voltage for start ramp % 69 Write Curr Lim2 2nd sequence, current limit 2,0 7,0 xle 70 Write 2nd Set 2nd sequence, motor rated current 3000 (*) Amp 71 Write Start Ramp3 3rd sequence, time for start ramp -120 Sec 72 Write Init Volt3 3rd sequence, initial voltage for start ramp % 73 Write Curr Lim3 3rd sequence, current limit 2,0 7,0 xle 74 Write 3rd SetIe 3rd sequence, motor rated current 3000 (*) Amp 75 Read Language Language use display US/UK, FI, SE, PT, NL, IT, FR, ES, DE, CN, RU, TR 76 Read Dummy Spare parameter 0 77 Read LCD Auto Off Time for display automatic turn off 255 Sec 78 Read Password Password for display 255 79 Read Date Type Type date presentation ISO US 80 Read Date Year Year 2001 2060 81 Read Date Month Month 12 82 Read Date Day Day 31 83 Read Time Hour Hour 23 84 Read Time Min Minutes 59 85 Read Port Ctrl Serial port control No, Yes 86 Read Port Addrl Address service port 1st group 255 87 Read Port Addr2 Address service port 2ndgroup 255 88 Read Port Addr3 Address service port 3rd group 255 89 Read Port Addr4 Address service port 4thgroup 255 90 Read Ratio Ratio current transformers 2500 91 Read Int ByPass Built by-pass contactor No, Yes 92 Read ByPass AC3 AC3 value built by-pass contactor 2500 Amp 1SFC132013M0201. 59 Read Fieldb Ctrl Control the softstarter with fieldbus No, Yes 60 Read Fieldb Type Type fieldbus AS-Int, Other 61 Read Fieldb Addr Fieldbus address 1000 62 Write Seq Number sequences for sequence start