ABB Softstartéry - komunikace (EN)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 38 z 225

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The data exchange and handling will executed the FB. write 110 words starting the address 3000H.Writhe parameter data Modbus FBP e.g.00 XX S 1 W109 CRC W0 Current Ie, 3000 Amp W7 Kick Start, No.32 DATA 1. Request 2F 00 '“ -1 Ç Address W0 J words Reply 2F XX ç L"rJ ~rJ £ Address 110 CRC - words . On the inputs the you can specify thejobs has executed, the areas for sending and receiving data and the slave numbers the Softstarters the application.. Yes W95 Thyristor Parameter 1,0 20,0 ABB CPU Modbus RTU master By using the ABB CPU the new AC500 CPU there are some special function blocs MODBUS_RTU available order to make the data communication easy project..32 MODBUS_ RTU Function­ Block READY ERROR Softstarter Softstarter 32 1SFC132021M0201 14 . JOB 1