Poznámky redaktora
These are listed here but are marked hidden. 2,0 7,0 xle
8 Read/Write Kick Start Selection Kick start No, Yes
9 Read/Write Kick Level Level Kick start selected 100 %
10 Read/Write Kick Time Time for Kick start selected 0,1 1,5 Sec
11 Read/Write Start Range Selectable range for start ramp 1-30, 1-120 Sec
12 Read/Write Stop Range Selectable range for stop ramp 0-30, 0-120 Sec
13 Read/Write Overload Overload protection No, Normal, Dual
14 Read/Write Class Overload Class 10A, 10, 20, 30
15 Read/Write Class Overload Class, Dual type, Start Class No, 10A, 10, 20, 30
16 Read/Write Class Overload Class, Dual type, Run Class No, 10A, 10, 20, 30
17 Read/Write Type operation for overload protection Stop-M, Stop-A, Ind
18 Read/Write Locked Rotor Locked rotor protection No, Yes
19 Read/Write Lock Lev Trip level for locked rotor protection 0,5 8,0 xle
20 Read/Write Lock Time Trip time for locked rotor protection 0,2 10,0 Sec
21 Read/Write Lock Type operation for locked rotor protection Stop-M, Stop-A, Ind
22 Read/Write Underload Underload protection No, Yes
23 Read/Write Underl Lev Trip level for Underload protection 0,4 0,8 xle
24 Read/Write Underl Time Trip time for Underload protection Sec
1SFC132048M0201 10
. 100 %
7 Read/Write Current Lim Level the current limit.
No Type Parameter Description Range Unit
1 Read/Write Setting Setting current 3000 (*) Amp
2 Read/Write Start Ramp Time for start ramp 120 Sec
3 Read/Write Stop Ramp Time for stop ramp 120 Sec
4 Read/Write Init Volt Initial voltage for start ramp %
5 Read/Write End Volt End voltage for stop ramp %
6 Read/Write Step Down
Voltage value which the softstarter shall
step down stop and where shall
commence the stop ramp.Bit Mask for
Events Relay
Bit Overload
Bit Fault
Bit High I
Bit Locked Rotor
Bit Underload
Bit Phase Imb
Bit Phase Rev
Bit Warn OL
Bit Warn SCR OL
Bit Warn I=High
Bit Warn I=Low
Bit Shunt Fault
Bit Spare
Bit Spare
Parameters Profibus V1
For this implementation all parameter values (both binary and analogue) are represented bits. Not all the
parameters the PST(B) softstarter are visible through the Fieldbus