ABB Retrofity vzduchových jističů nn (EN)

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
ABB SACE has studied specific retrofitting kits order to replace its old circuit-breakers with direct indirect solutions, using the latest circuit-breakers Emax, Iso­ max and Tmax. Routine maintenance operations not always com pletely satisfy your requirements. The retrofitting kit solutions improve the safety and the reliability your plant, excluding the need for expensive spare parts and lowering m aintenance expenses. ABB SACE offers the sim plest solutions order migrate new technology, avoiding extensive job distribution panels that still eet construction, regulation and safety requirements. addition, ABB SACE's new Emax, Isom and ax circuit-breaker bring together exceptional 6 ABB SACE . Although these breakers still operate perfectly, they should gradually replaced. W ith minimal odification and limited costs, retrofitting kits are the best solution for upgrading your low voltage switchboards. Problem relating functionality, coordination and safety the need prove electri­ cal and mechanical perform ances, enlarge the installation adapt the standard can, in fact, require retrofitting operations, which are needed replace inadequate obsolete apparatus, or addition new pieces apparatus the installation.Retrofitting kits General Features Renew your breaker, update your plant Circuit-breakers that have been service for many years longer eet current reliability require­ ments