ABB Retrofity vzduchových jističů nn (EN)

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 13 z 148

Poznámky redaktora
The solution for your out service problems Novomax G30 800-1250-1600 Isomax S7S 12 ABB SACE . The easy installation can made out directly the custom with very fast replacement.Retrofitting kits Hybrid retrofitting kit Hybrid retrofitting kit for air circuit-breakers with oulded-case circuit- breakers For those plants which require inim dow ntim for upgrades, ABB SACE has studied special retrofitting kits for the replacem ent the older types air circuit-breakers 800-1250-1600 as Otom and Novom G30, with up-to-date oulded-case circuit-breaker type Isomax S7. This type solution allows putting the new apparatus directly the fixed part Otom Novomax G30 circuit-breakers