. Gaylord,
F rahk rphy.
I aware that not new vary the
5 secondary current induction-coil mov
ing one coil with respect t’he other, and
thereby varying the inductive relations nor-
ř maily existing between the two.39;: :120 3
tive proportions may varied produce
any desired difference similarity the in
ducing and induced currents. The combination, with motor having in
dependent energizing-circuits, alternat
ing-current regulator, consisting, essentially,
of inducing and induced coils movable with
15 respect one another, whereby the strength
of the induced currents maybe varied, the in
duced coils being included and adapted to
supply the current for one the motor-cir
cuits, set forth.
lioiiT. The combination, with motor adapted 20
to run operated alternating currents
and provided with independent energizing-
coils, regulator consisting stationary
induciug-coils and induced coil capable of
being rotated, whereby may turned 25
greater orless angle the primary coils, its
position with respect thereto reversed, the in
duced coil coils being included and
adapted supply the current for one the
motor-circuits, set forth. This do
not claim,
ic What claim is—