As before stated, the mechanical construc
tion the device may greatly varied; but 70
the essential conditions the invention will
be fulfilled any apparatus which the
movement the elements with respect one
another effects the same results varying the
inductive relations the two elements 75
manner similar that described.
If the regulator its normal positioner
that which its magnetic circuit most
nearly closed, delivers its maximum induced
25 current, the phases which correspond
with those the primary current that the
motor willrun though both field and arma
ture were excited the main current. This
will produce rotation the motor op
posite direction. also
in clu one elem ents the regulator—
say stationary coils— sam circuit,
and the circu ith secondary mov-
[5 able coil regulator connect the
field-coils otor. When
the induced coil generating its maximum
current,the maximum amount energy the
primary coils absorbed; but the induced
coil turned from its normal position the 125
self-induction the primary coils reduces the
expenditure energy and saves power.
The motor will also reversed reversing
the position the coil with reference the 115
coils and thereby reversing the phases of
the current produced the generator. The second- 105
ary coil the regulator includes the other
coils, the motor. that after
m oving through certain angle, hich ob
viou sly determ ined relative dim ensions
60 bobbin coil iagonally-opposite
p ortions the coil ill sim ltan eou sly
cluded the field, but such ositions that
th lin hich produce current-im pulse in
one ortion the coil certain direction
65 ill produce the iagonally-op posite r
tion corresponding impulse the opposite
direction; hence portions the current will
neutralize one another.
T vary eed otor rate
30 etw een inim and axim rates,
th core and coils are turned eith i
rection ten hich produces e
sired result, for its norm osition the con
volu tion coil brace axim um
35 num ber lin force, all hich act ith
th sam effect upon said coil; ence ill
d eliver its axim current; but turning
the coil out its osition axim ef
fect the num ber lines force braced by
43 dim inished. One the cir
cuits from the generator, S', includes one
set, R', the energizing-coils the motor,
while the other circuit, includes the
primary coils the regulator.
It may also stated that the core not
indispensable the operation the regula
tor; but its presence obviously beneficial. This form regulator is
also applied with great advantage sys
tem utilizing alternating currents,in which 90
the magnetic poles the field motor are
progressively shifted means the com
bined effects upon the field magnetizing-
coils included independentcircuits,through
which pass alternating currents proper or- 95
der and relations each other. prefer use flexi
b conductors ake the connections from
th secondary coil regulator, there
b avoid use slid contacts rings
20 ith terferin ith the requisite ove
m ent core E.
In cid tally certain constructions, other
causes influence variation the
50 strength the induced currents.390,820
electro agnetic otor rovid ith |
arm ature, com utator and field-m ag-
nets ell know such motor,,
if its field-m agnets’ cores to
5 sulated sections, ractically er
ated alternatin current; but using
m regulator ith such otor clu one
elem otor ly— say arm ature-
coils— ain circu generator,
io aking connections through brushes
and the com utator the usual ay.
It obvious that practice either coils 0
C coil may used primary second
ary, and well understood that their rela- 13c
. ctive effect ere
fore paired, and current delivered by
coil ill continue inish proportion
to angle hich coil turned
til, after assing through angle ety
45 degrees, the con volu tions the coil ill at
righ angles those coils and
d ctive effect reduced inim . exam
p le, present case ill observed
that the first ovem ent coil certain
p ortion its convolutions are carried beyond
th lin the direct influence the lines of
55 force, and that the agnetic path circuit
for said lin paired; hence ctive
effect ould reduced.
In illustration, let represent one my
generators having two independent coils, P'
and P", the armature, and diagram of
a motor having two independent energizing- 'ioo
coils sets coils, R'.
This regulator, however, has another valuable 80
property its capability reversing the mo
tor, for the coil turned through half
revolution the position its Convolutions
relatively the two coils and the lines
of force reversed, and consequently the 83
phases the current will reversed. This
changes the direction the movement the
shifting poles which the armature follows.
One the main advantages this plan 120
regulation its economy power.
While the secondary coil the regulator is
in its normal position produces its maxi
mum current, and the maximum rotary effect no
is imparted the motor; but this effect will
be diminished proportion the augle at
which the coil the regulator turned