between the coils the rings would
therefore connected the continuous ar
mature-coil,at its neutral points with respect
to the field the point corresponding with
5 that the ordinary commutator-brushes, and
between which exists the greatest difference
of potential, while rings would con
nected two points the coil, between which
exists difference potential. The collecting-
brashes, those which may used take
off the direct current, aredesignated 70
Two pairs the armature -coils and their
commutators are shown the figure being
utilized; but all may utilized similar
manner. For example,
20 after turning through arc ninety degrees
the conductors which before conveyed
the maximum current,-will receiVe the mini
mum current reason the change the
position their coils, and evident that
25 for the same reason the current said coils
has gradually fallen from the maximum the
minimum passing through the arc ninety
degrees. this special plan connections
the rotation the magnetic polesof the con-
30 verter will synchronous with that the
armature-coils the generator,*and the result
will the same, whether the energizing-cir
cuits are derivations from continuous arma-
turc-coil from independent coils, mý
35 previous devices.
In practice these brushes may removed
from the commutator and the field the gen-
40 erator excited external source cur
rent the brushes may beallowed remain
on the commutator and take off converted
current -to excite the field, used for
other purposes.
NIKOLA TESLA. These connections are easi
est made using wires betweeu the rings
and the loops wires connect!ngthe coil I
5 the segmebt8 the commutator When
the converters are made this manner, is
evident that the phases the currents the
sections the generator coil will repro
duced the converter coils. this case each terminal 80
of-the generator connected directly in
derivation continuous ring, abo, and col-
Iecting-břoshes<ťb'd, bearing thereon,take off
the alternating' currents that operate the mo
There auother well-known type ina- 75
chine which three more coils, C\
on -the armature have cotamon joint, the
free ends being connected the segments a
Robt. will observed
that auy casedt necessaryonly add the
continuous contact collecting rings and 100
establish the connections between them and
the appropriate coils.
It will understood that this invention is
applicable other types machine—as, for
example, those which the induced coils are 105
stationary and tím* brushes and magnet re
volve; but the manner its application is
obvious oue skilled the art.
2. preferable this case employ 85
motor transformer with three energizing-
coils, á!' C", placed symmetrically with
those the generator, and the circuits from
the latter are connected the terminals of
such coils either directly—as when they are 90
stationary—or means brushesd and eon-
tact-rings this, théother cases, the
ordinary commutator may beused the gen
erator, and the current taken from it.2
aao. The best re-
10 suits will obtained making these con
nections pointů equidistant from one an
other, shown. ntilized
lor exciting the generator field-magnetsor for 95
other purposes.
These examples serve illustrate the priu-
.ígr2 represefrb'the armature-coils,
T:T ťfie 'poles the field-magnet, and the
shaft, carrying the commutators, which are ex
tended form continuous portions 65
The brushes bearing 011 the continuous por
tions for taking off the alternating currents
are represented d'.
Having now described myinvention,what I
claim is— 110
1. dotted lines, the
brushes their proper normal position.
I have shown Fig. The combination, with converter hav
ing independent energizing-coils, continu
ous direct current dynamo magneto ma
chine, and intermediate circuits permanently
connected suitable points the induced 115
generating coilá the generator, as.cfple the invention. this machine each
pair coils goes through the same phases as
the coils some the generators have
shown, and obviously only necessary to
utilize them pairs sets operate one of
55 converters extending the segments of
the commutators belonging each pair of
coils and causing collecting-brush bear on
the continuous portion each segment. herein set
forth. This form generator illus
trated Fig. The combination, with converter pro
vided with independent energizing-oiřenits, of
a continuous direct current generator pro- 120
yided with continuous collecting rings con
nected derivation the armature-epils to
form the terminals circuits corresponding
to those the converter, herein set forth. Gaylord,
Frank Murphy.
45 certain well-known class machines
the armature contains number coils the
terminals which connect commutator^,
segments, the coils being connected across the
armature pairs.
. This type machine is
50 represented Fig. In
this wav two more circuits may taken
60 off from the generator, each including one or
piqťéjpáirs sets cbils, may desired