The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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Poznámky redaktora
iS82;280/ May 1888—I have shown anddescribed plan constructing and oper- 15 ntirig motors, transformers, and the like, al­ ternating currents conveyed through two or more independent circuits from generator having such relation the motors trans­ formers as-to produce therein progressive 20 movehientiOf the magnetic poles lines of force. let Arepresent oneof my improved motors transformers, which,'for convenience, shall designate ^converter,” which consists annular core, wound with four independent coils, and those 80 diametrically opposite being connected to­ gether co-operate pairs estab­ lishing free poles the ring, the tendency of each pair being fix the poles ninety de­ grees from the Austria-Hungary, 5 now residing aťNcw York, the county and State ofNew.different positions the coils the cur­ rents have certain, directions and certain 45 strengths—and thatin improved motors or transformers necessary that the currents in the energizing-coils should undergo cer­ tain order variations strength and direc­ tion- Hence, the further step—viz, the con- 50 nection between the induced generating coilsof the machineand the contact-rings from Serlftl K o." ■ COMPANY, SAME PLACE. ; DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINE.a, sub­ ject oftbeEmpcroiTof Austria, from Stniljan, Lika, border. contact-rings, upon which cause 95 bear the collecting-brushes a'b'c'd\ connected by wires respectively, with (lie. Fig.York, have invented ceriain new and useful Improvements Dynamo-Electric Machinefi^ wbjeh. Generallystat^disthe plan pursued mein carryjjig'iOuft'itiiisiiiiiYentioa follows: On 35 the shaft jvípycu-generator, either place of addition the regular commutator, I securo;as manypairs insulated collect!ng- rings astherearecireuits formed. 65 Figure diagram illustrative the mode applying the invention the well- known type closed continuous circuit machines.vm concern: Be itikwAwn tlvat Nikota Tesi. Assume, for sake illustration, that the coils are receive-the maximum and too coils the same instant the minimum current, that the polar line may midway . Now, it will understemd-that the operation of 40 any dynamo cieclriogencrator the currents is the coils their movement through the field of force undergo different phases—that to say, ab.BEST AVAILABLE COP 'LÍnipíed . ", AniiHt»il«n Mod April S3,IS??. the said applications the descrip- tions and-iUiistrations the generators were confined ;to those types alternating current machine which the current generating coils a5 are independent separate; bfit 1have found that the ordinary forms continuous current dynamos nowin usemaybereadily andcheaply adapted system, utilized both con­ tinuous and alternating current generators 30 with but slight changes ;iu their construction.States Patent Office.KI. Fig. is a diagram showing the application the in­ vention machine the armature-coils of which have common joint.effecting tilts forms the substance of inypresent application. The object is to pass through coils currents such relative strength and direction produce a progressive shifting movement the 90 points ofmaximům magnetic effect aronnd the ring, and thereby maintain rotary move­ ment the armature, therefore secure to the abaft the generator four insulated .cnlar cases may require. SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No. dated October 3888.414. This may beac- . (K om odel. terminals coils and i>. 'There may aruia- 85 ture, within the ring, which wound with coils closed upon themselves. 75 Referring Fig. NIKOLA TĚStApGF NEW YORK, Y., ASSIGNOR THE TESTA- ELECTRIC.the following specifi- cationvsreferénee iieing had the drawings io accóinpanýing andTorming part the same.) which the currents arc taken off—will he determined solely what order varia­ tions strength and direction the currents is desired for producing given result the 55 electrical translating device. m ■; To jvTmhj, it:. Iucertainpatentsgranted toCharles Peck and royself—notably Patents No.BM . complished various ways; but lit, the draw­ ings have given typical instancesonly ofthe bestand mostpracticable waysof applying the invention three the best-known types 60 machines, order illustrate the principle and 60enable any one skilled the art ap­ ply the invention any other case under any modified conditions which the circum­ stances parti. The mode of. similar diagram con­ taining armature with separate coils con- 70 nected diametrically,, what generally called open-circuit” machiue.-381,968 and No. 390