In the present application object to
describe the best and most convenient manner
of which present aware carrying
out the invention applied system of
35 electrical distribution; but one shilled the
art will readily understand, from the descrip
tion the modifications proposed said ap
plications, wherein the form both the gener
ator and converter the present case may be
40 modified. diagram the
circuits the entire system, tlie generator
being shown section. pair set operate fixing the mag
netic poles the core two given diametric-
ally-opposite points the coils the other pair
or set—assuming, for the sake illustration,,
io that there are but two—tend fix the poles
at ninety degrees from such points. Upon this core, by
any well-known method, wind, say, four coils,
B B', which use primary coils, and
for which use long lengths comparatively
60 fine wire. The 115
second half-revolution will obviously a
repetition the same action.
. Fig. the shifting
of the poles the ring power-dynamic in
ductive effect the coils produced. The obvious
result will shift the poles the ring 105
through one quarter its periphery.
50 use core, which closed upon itself-—
that say, annular, cylindrical, or
equivalent form—and the efficiency the
apparatus largely increased the subdi
vision this core malte thin strips,
£5 plates, wires soft iron electrically insu
lated far practicable.
For example, the present case employ a
pair ordinary permanent electromagnets,
E between which mounted cylindrical 85
armature shaft, and wound with two
coils, G'. The terminals these coils are
connected, respectively, four insulated con
tact collecting rings, IF, and the
four line-circuit wires conuect the brushes 90
K bearing these rings the converter the
order shown.
*This principle have applied under variously
25 modified conditions the operation elec
tro-magnetic motors, and previous applica
tions—notably those having serial numbers
252,132 and 256,561—I have described de
tail the manner constructing aud using such
30 motors. The construc
tion this any equivalent form converter
may carried farther, above pointed out,
65 inclosing these coils with iron—as, for ex
ample, winding over the coils layer or
layers insulated iron wire. The
inducing primary coils wound the core
are divided into pairs sets the proper
5 electrical connections, that while the coils,
of one. The
movement the coils through the next quar
ter turn,daring which coil G'enters field
of opposite polarity and generates current
of opposite direction and increasing strength, no
while coil G
- passing from its maximum to
its neutral position, generates current de
creasing strength and same direction be
fore, and causes farther shifting the poles
through the second quarter the ring. results from this
that the different electrical phases the gen
erator are attended corresponding magnetic
•20 changes the converter; or, other words,
that the generator-coils revolve the points
of greatest magnetic intensity the converter
will beprogressively shifted orwhirled around. Assuming coil con
nected circuit with coils ofthe converter
aud coil with coils B', evident that
the poles the ring will determined 100
coils alone; but the armature the
generator revolves, coil develops more cur
rent and coil less until reaches its maxi
mum and G'its neutral position.
Besides the currents generated the second- 120
ary coils dynamo-magnetic induction,other
currents will set the same coils in
consequence any variations the intensity
of the poles the ring This should be
avoided maintaining the intensity the 125
poles constant, accomplish which care should
be taken designing and proportioning the
generator and distributing tlie coils the
ring and balancing their effect.382,282
ways bring them into the most effective re
lations one another and the core. The diametrically-opposite coilsBBand 70
B' B'are connected, respectively, scries, and
the four terminals are connected the bind
ing-posts The induced coils are con
nected together any desired manner. For
example, shown Fig. may con- 75
nected multiple are when quantity cur
rent desired—as for running group in
candescent lamps, D—while may in
dependently connected series circuit
including arc lamps D', the like. horizontal central cross-
section Fig. When this
is done, the currents are produced dynamo- 130
magnetic induction only, the same result be
ing obtained though the poles were shifted
by commutator with infinite number of
segments. Fig. Over these coils then wind shorter
coils coarser wire, O', constitute
the induced secondary coils. With this
induction device use alternating-current
generator with coils sets coils to' corre
spond with those ofthe converter,and means
15 suitable conductors connect inde
pendent circuits the corresponding coils the
generator and converter. illustration, therefore, the de
tails construction which present inven
tion involves, now refer the accompanying
The device provided with suitable bind
ing-posts, which the ends the coils are
Figure diagrammatic illustration of
45 the converter and the electrical connections of
the same. Noting the results this combi
nation, will observed that given point
of time the coil its neutral position and
is generating little current, while the 95
other coil, G', position where cxertsits
maximum effect. 83
The generator tiiis system will adapted
to the converter the manner illustrated