The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No. secure by conversion true dynamic induction 85 under highly efficient conditions and without the use expensive complicated apparatus or. The current de­ veloped thereby conducted through trans- 35 mission-circuit one more distant points, at which the transformers are located.moving devices,which use wear out and require attention. Divided and tlrs application filed March 9,1883. Original application filed December 23,1837, Serial No. 30 The general character the devices em­ ployed these systems now well understood. 266,757. The 100 two sets coils are wound side side su­ perposed otherwise placed Veil-known . 382,282, dated May 1. 95 In carrying out invention provide a series inducing-coils and corresponding in­ duced coils which, preference, wind upon a core closed upon itself~--such annulus or ring—subdivided the usual manner. An alternating current magneto-machine is used source supply. 258,787. 258,787. NIKOLA., divide the cur­ rent from single source, whereby number of lamps, motors, other translating devices may independently controlled and operated 25 the same source current, and some cases reduce current high potential in the main circuit one greater quantity and lower potential the independent consump­ tion working circuit circuits. These consistofinduction-machines ofvarious kinds. In some cases ordinary forms induction- coil have been used with one coil the trans- 40 mitting-circuit and the other local con­ sumption circuit, the coils being differently proportioned, according the work be done the consumption-circuit—that to sayj the work requires current higher 45 potential than that the transmission-circuit the secondary induced coil greater length and resistance than the primary, while, on the other hand, quantity current of lower potential wanted, the longer coil is 50 made the primary.) To all whom concern: Be known that Nikola Tesla, from Smiljan, Lika,border country Austria-Hun­ gary, and now residing New York, the 5 county and State New York, have invented certain newand useful Improvements Meth­ ods Converting and Distributing Electric Currents, which the following specifica­ tion, this application being division anap- ic plication filed December23, 1887, Serial No. For instance, a motor constructed accordance with well- understood principles, and the same arma- 55 ture are wound induced coils which constitute a generator. The main objects the invention are the 20 same have been heretofore obtained the use these, systems—viz. TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. This invention relates those systems of electrical distribution which current from a single source supply main trans- ts mitting circuit caused induce, means of suitable induction apparatus, current or currents independent working circuit or circuits. similar ar­ rangement wind coils corresponding to those described ring similar core, and by means commutator suitable kind 65 direct the current through the inducing-coils successively, maintain movement of the poles the core the lines force which set the currents the induced coils. lied these devices various forms electro-dynamic induction* machines, including the combined motors and generators, have been devised. Serial No. This method consists in progressively and continuously shifting the 90 line points maximum effect induct­ ive field across the convolutions coil or conductor within the influence said field and included forming part second­ ary translating circuit. The transformers are very liable be injured and burned out, and the means resorted to for curing this and other defects have in­ variably been the expense efficiency.1888. METHOD CONVERTING AND DISTRIBUTING ELECTRIC CURRENTS. The motor-coils are generally of fine wire and the generator -coils coarser wire, produce current greater quantity and lower potential than theline-cur- 60 rent, which relatively high potential to avoid loss long transmission.nited States Patent Office. Without enumerating the objections these 70 systems detail, will suffice say that the theory the principle the action oper­ ation these devices has apparently been so little understood that their proper construc­ tion and use have, the present time, been 75 attended with various difficulties and great ex­ pense. 80 have discovered amethodofconversion anddis- tribution, however,which not subject the defects and objections which have alluded, and which both efficient and safe. (No model