its parts, follows: the field-
magnets energized continuous current
5 passing its field-coils H', the coils
carried the cylindrical armature; e,
the friction collecting rings carried the
armature-shaft and forming the terminals of
the armature-coils; the collectiDg-
to brashes which deliver the currents developed
in the armatnre-coils the two circuits g\
which connect the generator with the motor. The action the
15 generator causing progressive shifting of
the poles the motor-armature sets in
the latter rotation opposite direction to
that which the poles move. »5
In present application notlimit my
self any special form motor, nor the
means for producing the alternating currents
as distinguished ft-ora what are called re
versed currents,” and may excite energize 9°
the field the motor and the generator by
any source current which will produce the
desired result.
I h^ve found that the field-magnet the
35 motor strongly energized its coils B,
and the.
operated passing through independent coils
on its armature direct continuous current
in opposite directions. similar motors may be
varied certain well-known ways—
as, for in- 05
stance, rotating the field about station
ary armature rotating conductors within
the field—but not illustrate these features
further herein, with the illustration which
I have given regard the rest within the 70
power person skilled the art con
struct.382 281
may precisely identical construction,
and forconvenienceofreference have marked
in Fig.
What claim is—
The method herein described transmit- 95
ting power electro magnetic motors,which
consists continuously and progressively
shifting the poles one element the motor
by alternating currents and magnetizing tbe
other element direct continuous cur- 100
rent, set forth. If, now, the
continuous current directed through the
30 field-coils strongly energize the mag
net the speed the motor, whichdepends
upon thatofthegenerator,willnotbeincreased,
but the power which produces its rotation will
be increased proportion the energy sup-
35 plied through the coils character
istic this motor that its direction rota
tion not reversed reversing the direction
of the current through its fielďcoil3, for the
direction rotation depends not upon the
30 polarity the field, but upon the direction
in which the poles the armature arc shifted.
Frank Morphy,
Frank artley.
I have found, however, the fieldsof both the
30 generator and motor strongly energized
that starting the generator starts the motor,
and that the speed the motor is.hat the shifting
of the poles intermittent and not contin
I ous, and that there necessarily involved a
waste energy.
To reverse the motor the connections either
of the circuits must reversed.
I aware that device embodying the
characteristics motor and having per
manently-magnetized field-magnet has been 75.
NIKOLA TESL'A. circuits through the armatnre-coils
closed, assuming the generator running
at certain speed, the motor will not start;
but the field but slightly energized, in
40 general such condition that the magnetic
influence the armature preponderates de-
' termining its magnetic condition, the motor
will Btart, and with sufficient current will
reach its maximum normal speed. Such system, how
ever, not regard capable the prac
tical applications for1
which invention 80
designed, nor the same principle or
mode operation, mainly ind.increased
in synchronism with the generator.5 this reason desirable keep the start,
and until the motor has attained its normal
speed, nearly so, the field-circuit open, or
to permit but little current passthrough it. For
T have other applications shown how the
construction these or.
Motors constructed and operated this
principle maintain almost absolutely the same 55
speed for all loads within their normal work
ing limits, and practice have observed
that the motor overloaded such ex
tent check its speed the speed the
generator, its motive power not too great, 60
is diminished synchronously with that the
The operation this system, will under
stood from the foregoing