The means which have shown
for effecting this, while varying detail, are
exemplified the followingsystem, which, for
present purposes, will sufficient con
sider typical embodiment the inven-
25 tion.
As the magnetic poles the armatnre are
shifted direction opposite that which
the armature rotates, will apparent that
30 when the normal speed attained the poles of
the armature will assume fixed position rela
tively the field-magnets, and that conse>
qttence the field-magnets will energized by
magnetic induction, exhibiting two distinct
poles, one each the pole-pieces. start- 55
ing the motor, however, the speed the ar
mature being comparatively slow, the pole-
pieces are subjected rapid reversals mag
netic polarity; but the speed increasesthese
'reversals become less and less frequent and 60
finally cease,when the movement the arma
ture becomes . 382,281, dated May 1,1888.
The generator for operating tbismotor or
The motor wound with coils forming in
dependent energizing-circuits the arma
ture, which cylinder disk mounted to
rotate between two opposite magnetic poles. have found that advantageous results are
seonred winding the field-magnets with a
coil coils and passing continuous current
through them, thus maintaining permanent .)
To all whom li>m concetti:
Be known that esla, from
Smiljan, Lika, border countryof Austria-Hun
gary, and residing the city, county, and
5 State New York, have invented certain new
and useful Improvements the Electric Trans
mission Power, which the following a
specification, this application being division
of application filed November 30,
IO 1887, Serial No. This movement
of the poles the armature obviously tends to
40 rotate the armature the opposite direction
to that which the movement the poles
takes place, owing the attractive force be
tween said poles and the field-magnets, and the
speed rotation increases from the start un-
45 til eqnals that the generator, supposing
both motor and generator alike. 80
Let Fig.
SPECIFICATION formins part fatten Patant No.DD' are connected insulated 93
sliding contact carried the
armatnre-shaft, and brushes bear upon
these rings convey the coils the currents
which operate tbe motor. 858,502.synchronous with that the
D are two independent coils wonhd upon
a suitable cylindrical equivalent armature-
core, which, like all others used similar
manner, should split or. 256, 562.
I shall now describe the apparatus which I
have devised for carrying out this invention
and explain tbe mode using operating
the same.United States Patent Office. Serial No
30 These coils are connected with correspond
ing induced current-producing circuits in
an alternating-current generator. 252, 132, filed October 12,1887—Ihavt set
forth improvement motors and the
mode method operating the same, v/hich,
15 generally stated, consists progressively and
continuously shifting the poles lines of
maximum magnetic effect either the field-
magnets armature, both, motor, and
thereby producing movement rotation in
ao t,he motor. "
In previous application filed me—viz. result
of this, when the generator set motion,
currents alternately-opposite direction are
35 directed through the energizing-coils the
motor such manner produce pro
gressive shifting rotation the magnetic
polesof the motor-armature. This being the case, the field-cores
or the pole-pieces the.1688. represent the legs pole-
pieces field-magnet, around which are
coils included the circnit continu
ous-current generator, which adapted to
impart magnetism the said poles the or- 85
dinary manner. The terminals the ar-
matnre-eoils. part horizontal
central section, and Fig. 75
Figure end view elevation my
improved motor. (No model. This armature mounted non
magnetic cross-bars secured the poles
of the field-magnet. Fig.motor become mag
net, but induction only.
Original application Iliad NoveroTjor 30,1837, Serial No.divided into 90
alternate magnetic and iDsnlating parts the
usual way. Divided and application filed Ifirob 0. diagrammatic
representation the motor and generator
combined and connected for operation. 65
field, and this feature mypresent invention 70