The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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The generator for this motor may any suitable kind produce currents the de- 130 sired character. 11. also desirable that this shell 8h0nld divided similarly the armature,and for similar reasons. This effect sets rotation the 30 armature,owing totheattractiveforcebetween the shell and the poles the armature; but inasmuch the coils this case move rela­ tively the shell field-magnet the move­ ment the coils the opposite direction 35 the progressive shifting the poles. Thatshown con­ sists revolving permanent electro-mag-. 17, 18, and 19.- These rings are connected those the motor in proper order means collecting-brushes and six wires, forming three independent cir- 65 cuits. gen­ erator for driving this motor, may use the to device shown Fig. The variations the strength and di­ rection the currents transmitted through theae circuits and traversing the coils the motor produce steadily-progressive shifting of the resultant attractiveforce exerted the poles upon the armature and conse- 7c quently keep the armature rapidly rotating. The mode op­ eration substantially the same the pre- 100 vious cases, the curreuts traversing the coils of the motor having the effect turn the disk D. The ends the armature-coils are con­ nected two pairs contact-rings^ < T . Fig. this case 80 a disk,- magnetic metal, preferably cut away opposite edges, shown dotted lines the figure, mounted turn freely inside two stationary coils,N' N",placed at right angles one another. Anarmature,D,with two coils, hf, right angles each other, 125 mounted rotate inside the field-magnet R. 105 In the forms motor above described only one the elements—the armature the field- magnet—is provided with energizing-coils. Fig. Now, obvious from consideration of the preceding figures that the rotation the 25 generator-ring produces currents the coils F F', which, being transmitted the motor- coils,impart the core the latter magnetic poles constantly shifting whirling around the core. ahori­ zontal cross-section themotor.terminals From these terminals the currents are led the terminals the motor, as shown the drawings. The diametrically opposite pairs 120 coils are connected series and the freeends connected four terminals, to, the rule be followed connecting being the same here- inbeforeexplained. The coils are 85 preferably wound frame, insulating materiál, and their ends are connected the fixed terminals The generator is a representative that class alternating- current machines which stationary in- 90 duced element employed. The peculiar advantage this disposition is in obtaining more concentrated and power­ ful field.. The contact-rings of each pair generator coils are connected to those the motor, respectively, means of 2o contact-brushes and the two pairsof conduct­ ors, and 1/, indicated diagrammat- ically Fig. Fig. 45 The field the motor produced six magnetic poles, G'G', secured projecting from ring frame, These magnets or poles are wound with insulated coils, those diametrically oppositeto each otherbeing con- 50 nected pairs,so produce opposite poles in each pair. Fig. end view such motor. Other arrangements the coils both gen­ erator and motor are possible, and greater number circuits may used, will be seen the two succeeding figures, to Fig. of the motor consists ring, It, preferably of thin insulated iron sheets bands, with eight pole-pieces, and corresponding re­ cesses which four pairs coils, are wound. similar view the generator, with'the field-magnets in section; and Fig. This shell is preferably formed with slot opening, r; but may continuous, shown the 5 dotted lines, and this event preferably made steel. This represents an annular ring armature, surrounded by four coils, F', which those diamet­ rically opposite are connected series, so that four free ends are left, which are con- 15 nected the insulated contact-rings bbb' V. diagrammatic illustration a motor and generator connected and con­ structed accordance with invention. The 60 ends these coils are connected,respectively, to insulated contact rings 0". diagram the cir­ cuit-connections. Fig. the field-magnet 115.382,280 3 iron shell, which constitutesthe field-mag­ net other element the motor. is a diagrammatic representation modified disposition invention. The armature which mounted rotate be­ tween the poles cylinder disk, of 55 wrought-irou, mounted the shaft a. It remains, then, show how both elements may be wound with coils. net, and four independent stationary mag­ nets, P', wound with coils, those diamet­ rically opposite each other being connected 95 in series and having their ends secured the . The application this principle to systems involving multiple circuits generally 75 will understood from this apparatus. and 16, Fig. The generator for this motor has this in­ stance armature, wound with three coils, KK'K", sixty degrees apart. This mode carrying out the invention has the advantage dispensing with the slid­ ing contacts the system. The ring suitably mounted shaft, a', between the poles ITS. Referring now Figs. Reference therefore 110 had Figs. This leaves six free ends,which are connected the terminals T"T". end view the generator with its field-magnets section. the present instance ft consists field-magnet, and arma­ ture, with two coils right angles, the ends which are connected four contact- . Two segments the same are cot aWay, shown. 13