one-half one revolution the
armature ofthe generator hasbeen completed,
and the resulting magnetic condition the
60 ring shown Fig.
The disk Fig. This form motor may used place
of that shown. These figures will be
readily understood from the foregoing. The revolution the armature the
generator between the field-magnets ob
viously produces the coils alternating
currents the intensity and direction which
to depend Upon well-known laws.
In Fig. The disk owing to
its tendency assume that position which
it embraces the greatest possible number the
magnetic lines, set rotation, following the
motion the lines the points greatest
Fig. and 8*
the same seven eighths revolution of
the generator-arniature.
In illustration other forms apparatus,
by means which carry out invention,
I shall now describe the remaining figures of
the drawings.
30 The position the poles will therefore the
resultant ofthe magnetizing forcesofthe coils—
that say, will advance along the ring to
a position corresponding one-eighth the
revolution the armature the generator.position. 6a; or, other words,
the poles the ring will shifted along five-
eighths its periphery. The poles'
40 the ring Fig, 3“will consequence be
shifted position ninety degrees from that
at the start, shown..
When acomplete revolution isaccomplished,
the conditions existing the start are re-es
tablished, and the same action repeated for
the next and all subsequent revolutions, and in
general will now seen that every revolu
tion the armature the generator produces
a corresponding shifting the poles lines,
of force around the ring. The core
is wound longitudinally with two coils, and
E', the ends which are respectively con
nected insulated contact-rings ff, car
ried the shaft a,,upon which the armature
is mounted. top view
of the same with the field section and' a
diagram connections. have like manner
shown the conditions existing each succes
sive eighth one revolution the remaining
45 figures.
The armature set revolve within an
. The coil the
other hand, having entered field opposite
polarity, generates current opposite di
rection. At
the point indicated the current the coil B
is maximum, while nil, the latter
coil being its neutral.
2, both pairs coils, and O', will trav
ersed current and act opposition so
far the location the poles concerned.
35 Fig. This phenomenon attribute to
a certain inertia resistance inherent the
metal the rapid shifting the lines force
through the same, which results continu
ous tangcutial pull upon the disk, causing its
rotation. view elevation and part ver
tical section motor: Fig.
In Fig. shown cut away
on opposite sides; but this have found not
essential effecting its rotation, circular
disk, indicated dotted lines, also set
in rotation. and 4*illustrate the conditions which
exist when the generator-armature has coru-
50 pleted three-eighths revolution. 5s.55 the resultant pole will the line as
shown. Here
both coils are generating currents; but the coil
B', having now entered the opposite field, is
generating current the opposite direction
having the opposite magnetizing effect; hence
. The poles will
consequently shifted through one half of
65 the ring.
Figs. the armature has completed five-
eighths revolution.
Figs. the posi
tion the coils indicated Fig.
D cylindrical drum armature-0 re,
which, for obvious reasons, should split up
as far practicable topreventthe circulation
within currents induction. this position coil
B' develops less powerful current, but the
same direction before. Fig, end or
side view generator with the fields sec
refer the diagrams, Figs. the armature the generator has
progressed one-fourth revolution. short reference these figures will
suffice understanding their. and ato 8",
for illustration the various -phases
through which the coils the generator pass
when operation, and the corresponding and
5 resultant magnetic changes produced the
cance. results, therefore, that when the
25 generator-coils have made one-eighth re
volution, reaching the position shown Fig. the circuitinclud-
ing this coil may also include, say, the coils C
C the motor, Fig. this phase coil B
is the neutral position, while coil gen
erating its maximum current, which the
same direction Fig. This effect utilize
in producing the rotation body arma
ture variety ways—for example, apply
ing the principle above described theappa-
ratus shown Fig. This seems confirmed the
fact that circular disk steel more effect
ively rotated than one soft iron, for the rea
son that the former assumed poeseoa a
greater resistance the shifting the mag
netic lines. and the same manner illustrate
the phases the generator and ring three-
quarters revolution, and Figs. The resultant poles will therefore be
in the line Fig. 1the current
in the coil practically nil, whereas the
coil the same time developing its
maximum current, and the means indicated
15 the description Fig. The result, with the
proper connections, would the magnetiza
tion the ring the poles being the line
20 The same, order connections being
observed between the coil and the coil C',
the latter when traversed current tend to
fix the poles right angles the line of