The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

Freely available at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

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Poznámky redaktora
I som rts li­ c ecau its lle -re t­ an ce, eed 10 r­ ro clu sio f p lsio t in tiv g th sam e,, t 15 tio ith ity lle in th tte tly r , eed even ­ p lle ire tio e screw ith sam eed f 20 ile te . B ressed sists el m tin ies e a ise d a lely lle so s flig o a lish lig rfu rim - m ecessary rtic rly . - eed V cos riz tte r h sista r, a l- 35 sio velo- .re o stre rtic ri­ z elo cities tiv V sin cos ill . city efficiency ­ ta ith e r cos eco ical u tiliz tio effected en 40 ct= -which case eed e h riz rtic tre ill e ited f a tu rib 83 P 1,061,206, 1913, ich h lfills ire ts, is e lly tio ­ p also rra ts w fly 90 m tic lly ill cau sed to tio ith lic n a .7 rre t, th tic lly rfo t b llin lic K>r- 45 ith eed less i-.35 lts tta in p tic ill ssa rily rio r b ecau ith isio ch a device, d 39 _above, t u succession, sam tim tin g sm lle illa tio tio ill r its flig sid le p rtio tiv re 55 losses tro llin g m ean ill rre creased . T lic it, r­ r flo ith ity e 25 lle lin a w ith riz .1,655,113 « cau r h rio scillatio accom ­ p ascen escents, ill p w ell ifie t 5 rin lete rtu rn a rth . ith sam ject 103 o itte sed tra ’ to in, case e­ sc rib rre d o tiv are p ith 119 lty tro llin g m itio ese a tlie iliz devices be e ied ach s a rtic rly so, lik ise 116 s riv lle ­ s tru tre size itc t w ill ise ith th even te th llin ri- 120' z lly itte ,thé t fro ita ears. T tlie r a sse tru s 5, 123 a 90°, rin ­ io ­ s lim tio is a ices i- re tio tro 130 . F led ts w ill ily 95 ac il­ lu tra tin ­ in sitio riz flig t. sam lic ­ ceed riz cos a. F ts, re ig lic tio e su ill ccessfu l so tio iffe t d ire tio 70 M tio eets .case failure the motor, the projected area the propeller blades being inadequate for reducing the speed the fall sufficiently avoid disas- _ ter, and this almost fatal impediment 55'to its commercial use. Another very serious defect this kind of flying machine, from the practical point of view, found its inability support- i0 ing itself the air in. m tin 0. F view -sam ith e u tly 100 T tru com posed or fo ils rig d d ista r­ sq sak alln ess com ­ p actn ss. 30 lic its present necessity in sim ith r­ tu stru ctio sacrifice ­ a ,'in lly rin ­ ta beneficial 75 in rt