30 and Fig. still improve this ac
tion the free end the rotating shaft
15 may’be utilized carry any kind fan. 80
2. artificial erein de- 95
scribed, com risin com bination,
ceptacle, ith elevated overflow
set erein tra ten p
th conduit, ten
in lle rrie 100
by circu
latio fluid conduit.
6. artificial con sistin 75
u stru cted elevated
overflow set body f
w ater, llin device
ta circu latio ater
th conduit.
The water may, course, artificially -
N . artificial risin in
com bination stru cted g
an elevated overflow set
in body fluid, lle ith e
co circu latio 85
o fluid sam r
fo riv ropeller. Obviously, insure per
fect working the weight the moving parts
and axial reaction the propeller should
be taken balanced thrust bear-
40 ing 16, other means. Such construction shown Fig.
. artificial risin 110
fu set in
a body . The
5 usual fountains are objectionable many
places account the facility they afford
t for the breeding insects.1,113,716
heighten the effect, colored, opalescent or
phosphorescent fluid may employed. Bohleber. which conical vessel
provided with intake openings and rest
ing substantial base. scrib itnésses. artificial risin in
com bination ith stru cted passage
fro elevated fluid levels, 106
of eller ir
cu latio fluid such assage
anpl cin ereb cascade ith e
ex itu little energy. motor 14, car
rying strong shaft propeller' is
fixed supports which extend from the
35 inner side conduit and may integral
with the' same. When desired pro-
45 cluce large and permanent waterfalls the
conduit may formed masonry •of
, appropriate archit ;tural desi^j.
W claim :
1. But all such
cases independent pumps small volumet
ric cap acity ere used raise to
a reciab hich involved e
ex itu considerable energy, hile
th spectacle offered eye 65
esting.fluid, enings r
th low end, eller rted
w ith hen in
o eratio circu latio 115
of sam e.
5. may dispensed with. fact,
25 receptacle itself may replaced an
independent tank basin that the entire
apparatus will only consist funnel
shaped condujt, motor and propeller a
Sterilizing, aromatic radio-active liquids
may also used, when desired. stance, know ledge,
has ass fluid been elled by
th use only such req ired to
lif fro its level through_ a:
relativ ely space fro hich 70
it overflow descends cascade, r
have devices especially
pose been ployed.
20 For example, the propeller may fixed di
rectly the shaft the motor and the
latter supported conveniently from above
when many the parts illustrated Fig.
The device described may modified in
many ways and also considerably simplified. The apparatus
described not only makes this, impossible
but very efficient trap.
W itn esses:
M Lawson Dyad,
Apparatus this description especially
intended for use open basins-or reservoirs
in which may placed and put action
at short notice. artificial de
scribed, risin com bination
ceptacle, cen tral hollow onduit ith 90
elevated overflow placed erein lle r
w ith conduit, riv g
th eller, ir
cu latio fluid conduit.
I testim hereof affix sig _
in the presence two. . Unlike the old
10 devices which only very smalhvolume
of water set motion, such waterfall is
is highly effective cooling tire surround
ing atmosphere.
I well aware that artificial water falls
haveheretofore been exhibited,and that foun
tains which the same water circulated
60 are old and well known. 1
~and Fig.
The invention has unlimited field of
use private dwellings, hotels, theaters,
50 concert halls, hospitals, aquaria and, par--
ticularly, squares, gardens and parks "
which may carried out large scale
so afford magnificent spectacle far
more captivating and stimulating the
55 public than the insignificant displays now
in use