The latter funnel shaped for 'reasons' 33
of economy, and also for-the purpose re- . vertical central sec-
jtional view . Y.
To all whom may concern:
Be known that citi
zen the United States, residing New
York, borough Manhattan, county, and
5 State New York, have invented certain
new and useful Improvements Fountains,
of which . Serial No. 4
illustrate fcortesponding views similar
device ranch simpler construction.
In the accompanying drawing, Figure is
40, top plan and Fig.
A motoi' suitably mounted as, go
transmit through wheel 11, friction or
otherwise, power the pulley 'wheel appliance which have
. 13,1914. . is
thought unnecessary show these attach
ments the drawing.
45 Referring the first, represents re
ceptacle any suitable material, metal,
'glass, porcelain, marble, cement ..
The underlying idea the invention can
85 carried out apparatus widely varied
design, but the present instance the sim
plest forms, which aware, are shown
as embodiments the principle involved. Incidentally, permits
the realization beautiful and striking
views through, illumination and the dispo-
25 sition voluminous cascades which, more-
/over, may applied useful,purposes in
ways not '.
The operation will readily understood.
derstood that other means may employed.
Openings may covered with removable
drainers and receptacles may lie provided
pi convenient connections, respectively, 35
for cleaning and renewing the liquid.he propeller. Particularly beautiful displays, how- no
ever, are obtainable illumination which
may carried out many ways. o
compound, with central hub and coni
cal conduit flared out at. -'devised for the purpose.
iVith the vied’ still further economizing
energy, the bottom receptacle may be
shaped indicated the dotted, lines ,12,
in Fig. Such a
cascade presents singularly attractive ap- 105
pearanee and this- feature may still fur
ther enhanced artistic grouping plants
or other objects around it, which case
the whole contrivance may hidden from
view. MEW YORK. Patented Oct. increase the velocity the 03
intake t. Fig, and Fig. Tn
the hub inserted shaft rotatably sup
ported ball bearings and carrying at
its lower end friction pulley gear wheel
To convey idea the results obtain
able with small apparatus, properly de
signed, may stated that applying
only 1/25 horse-power the shaft and §5
assuming lift eighteen inches, more'
-than one hundred gallons per minute may
be propelled, the depth the fluid passing
over the flared top conduit one foot in
diameter, being nearly one-half inch. These objects are accom
plished the displacement great vol-
80 ume fluid with relatively smáli expendi
ture energy the production and mainte
nance veritable waterfall distin
guished from mere spout, jet spray.practicable with the old and fa
miliar devices.UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE'.the top and pro-
50 rided with openings the bottom. 797,718. Invariably, the quantity 'of
the issuing fluid was small and the pleasing
15 impression the eye was solely the result
of the more less artistic arrangement pf
the streamlets .
In order prevent the wetting the
bearings shaft the central hub re
ceptacle made project above conduit
3.and ornaments employed.
It has been customary heretofore foun
íc tains and aquarian displays, project
spouts, jets, sprays water from suitable
fixtures, chiefly for decorative and beautify
ing purposes.
The present invention departure from
such practice that relies principally
20 the fascinating spectacle large mass
of fluid'in motion and the display seem
ingly great power. the lift inconsiderable,
little power needed keep motion a
'great volume water and the impression 3$
produced the observer very striking.
during the speed and securing smooth,and
even overflow. About one tenth that delivered per
minute will be, generally, sufficient.the following full, clear, and
exact description.
Receptacle being filled the proper level 75
with water other fluid, and the power
turned on, the propeller blades are set in
rotation and the fluid, drawn through the
openings -lifted the horizontal flared
out top conduit until overflows the -r-
form circular cascade. Specificatipu Letters Patent. ioo
the circulation extremely rapid the total
quantity liquid required comparatively
small. the upper end the shaft fastened
55 casting preferably some non-corrosive
alloy, with blades constituting screw
which shown this instance the best
known propelling device; but will be.
Application filed October 28,1913