The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

Freely available at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

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Poznámky redaktora
: 6. 3. W itn sse : M. it­ tin tiliz tric hich ­ sists sta lish tin g m tio tric aves iftin 30 th and tra aves, as esc rib . it­ tin tiliz ele tric ich ­ sists sta lish tin g m ia, tio tric aves, ­ in aves, 25 f . . it­ tin tiliz ele tric hich ­ sists esta lish tio ele tric aves in tin ia,, t- i ices ­ m fro rth .787,412 s tin tric ista ich ­ sists rth tric l o illatio e s tio tric aves t S rth . 4. N . awson Dyer, B enjamin Miller. it­ tin tiliz tric ich ­ sists sta lish tin g iS edia, tio tric ­ te tin r m ices fro rce o rly cated ith t to sitio aves, t fo rth 2o 5