v circuit connect
ed the earth two points, for effect
exerted upon the circuit will reatest when
the plates arc lying eridian pass
ing through ground-plate and will nil
when the plates are located parallel cir
cle. Since this method relatively
great amount energy and suitable form
45 may made available for the operation a
receiver, the latter need not very sensitive;
but when the impulses are very weak when
it desired operate receiver very rap
idly any the well-known sensitive devices
5° capableof responding very feeble influences
may used the manner indicated in
other ways. These requirements being
fulfilled, electrical charges the same sign
30 will conveyed each the terminals of
the condenser, and with each fresh impulse it
will charged higher potential. like ways the
distance one point from another, the lati
tude and longitude, the hour, &c. Evidently the course
of vessel easily determ ined without
the use compass, b. provem ent the transm it-
2. hus the specific plan
herein described producing the stationary
wave? lie departed from. Under the conditions described
it evident that during the continuance of
the stationary waves the receiver will acted
55 upon current impulses more less intense,
according its location with reference the
maxima and minima said waves; but upon
interrupting aor reducing the flow the cur
rent the stationary waves will disappear or
60 diminish intensity. The
speed rotation the cylinder being ad
justable will, the energy any number of
35 separate impulses may thus accumulated
in potential form and discharged through the
receiver upon the brush coming con
tact with one the segments will be
understood that the capacity the condenser
4° should such allow the storing a
much greater amount energy than re
quired for the ordinary operation the re
ceiver. thism an-
ncr the regions axim and minimum
effect may made coincide with any re
ceiving station stations. this applica
tion have advanced various provem ents
in means and methods producing and util
izing electrical effects which either connec
tion with present discovery independ
ently the same usefully applied. Hence great variety
of effects may produced receiver, ac
cording the mode which the waves are
controlled. impressing
upon the earth two more oscillations of
different wave length resultant stationary
wave made travel slowly over the
globe, and thus reat variety useful ef
fects may produced.
This will understood when stated that
the projections all the nodes and loops the
ea rth diam eter passing through the pole or
axis sym etry the wave ovem ent are
all equal. any other
useful applications discovery will sug
gest themselves, and this respect not
wish limit myself.'4= 787,412
elevation, the location the apparatus must !
be determined with reference the position
of the stationary waves established the j
generator, the effect evidently being greatest ;
5 maximum and zero nodal region. exam
ple, the circuit which impresses the powerful
oscillations upon the earth ight connected
to the latter two points. Hence any region the surface
the wave length can ascertained from sim
ple rules geom etry.
W no\y claim —
In illustration the operation the sys
tem let assumed that alternating elec-
15 trical impulses from thegenerator are caused
to produce stationary waves the earth, as
above described, and that the receiving appa
ratus properly located with reference the
position the nodal and ventral regions of
20 the waves.
1 desire understood such novel
features are not herein specifically claimed
will form the subjects subsequent applica
tion’s. The provem ent the transm it
ting electrical energy distance which con
sists establishing stationary electrical waves
in the earth, set forth. practicable, however, to
shift the nodal and ventral regions the
65 waves will from the sending-station, by
varying the length the waves under observ
ance the above requirem ents. several such generators of
stationary waves, preferably different
length, ere installed judiciously-selected
localities, the entire globe could subdivided
in definite zones electric activity, and such
and other rtan data could once ob
tained sim ple calculation readings from
suitably-graduated instrum ents. ;
On the other hand, both plates connect
ed earth the points connection must be
selected with reference the difference of
potential which desired secure, the
io strongest effect being course obtained when
the plates are distance equal half the
wave length. Conversely, knowing
the wave length, the distance from the source
can readily calculated. The speed rotation the cyl
inder varied until made turn in
synchronism with the alternate impulses of
the generator, and the position the brushes
I and adjusted angular displacement
25 otherwise, that they are contact with
the segments and during the periods when
the impulses are near the maximum of
their intensity., bode--
term ined from the observation such sta
tionary waves. the nodal and ventral regions are ain
tained fixed positions, the speed vessel
carry receiving apparatus may exactly
com puted from observations the axima
and inim regions successively traversed