(No model.252,132, have shown and described,
a novel form electro-magnetic motor and a
mode operating the same, which may be
generally described follows: The motor is
15 wound with coils forming independent ener
gizing-circuits either the armature field
magnet, both, (itjs sufficient for present pur
poses consider the case which the coils
are the armature alone,) and these coils are
20 connected with corresponding circuits on
an alternating-current generator. its parts, follows: the field-
magnets, energized continuous current
passing its field-coils H', the coils
carried the cylindrical armature; e,
the friction collecting rings, carried the 95
armature-shaft and forming the terminals of
the armature-coils; and /', the collecting-
brushes which deliver the currents developed
in the armature-coils the two circuits gf,
which connect the generators with the motor, xoo
. 381,369, dated May 1888. Serial No.
35 the poles the armature are shifted in
a direction opposite that which the arma
ture rotates,it will apparent that when the
normal speed attained the poles the
armature will assume fixed position relative
4. the re
sult this, currents alternately-opposite
direction are sent through the energizing-coils
of the motor such manner produce a
25 progressive shifting rotation the mag
netic poles the armature. part horizontal 65
central, section, and Fig. represent the legs pole-
pieces field-magnet, around which are 70
coils included the circuit contin
uous-current generator, which adapted
to impart magnetism the said poles -in the
ordinary manner.
Figure end view elevation my
improved motor.
I shall now describe the apparatus which 60
have devised for carrying out this invention
and explain the mode using operating
the same.
D are two independent coils wound upon 75
a suitable cylindrical equivalent armature-
core, which, like all others used similar
manner, should split divided into al
ternate magnetic and insulating parts the
usual way.
I have found that advantageous results are
secured winding the field-magnets with 55
coil coils and passing continuous current
through them, thus maintaining permanent
field, and this feature present invention
F. The terminals the ar
mature-coils are connected insulated
sliding contact-rings b,carried the ar
mature shaft, and brushes bear upon these 8=
rings convey the coils the currents which
operate the motor. Fig. This movement
of the poles the armature obviously tends
to rotate the armature the opposite direc
tion that which the movement the poles
30 takes place, owing the attractive force be
tween said poles and the field-magnets,and the
speed rotation increases from the start un
til equals that the generator, supposing
both motor and generator alike. PECK, ENGLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY.0 the field-magnet, and that consequence
the field-magnets will energized mag
netic induction, exhibiting two distinct poles,
one each the pole-pieces. This being the case,the field-cores and
the pole-pieces the motor become mag
net, but induction only.' starting
the motor, however, the speed the arma-
45 ture being comparatively slow,the pole-pieces
are subjected rapid reversals magnetic
polarity; but the speed increases these re
versals become less and less frequent, and
finally ceasewhen the movement the arma-
50 ture become synchronous with that the gen
erator.nited States Patent Office.
Application filed November 30, 1887.
Let Fig.
The generator for operating this motor or
may precisely identical construction;
and forconvenienceof referenceI have marked 90
in Fig.
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No. This armature mounted non- 80
magnetic cross-bars secured the poles
of the field-magnet.)
To all whom may concern:
Be known that Nikola Tesla, from
Smiljan Lika, border country Austria-Hun
gary,now residing New Y
rork,in the county
5 and State New York,have invented certain |
new and useful Improvements Electro-Mag- j
netic Motors,of which the following speci
fication, reference being had the drawings
accompanying and forming apart the same,
to application filed October 12,
1887, No. 256,5G2. diagrammatic
representation the motor and generator
combined and connected for operation