me, having bat one terminal Ic, generally of
aluminium, the form half sphere,with
a plain polished snrface the front side,
from which the streams are thrown off. apparatus for utilizing radiant en
ergy, comprising combination,a condenser,
one terminal which subjected tlieac- .
4. Evidently the
55 radiations the source stopped inter
cepted their intensity varied any man
ner,as byperiodicallyinterrupting orrythmic-
ally varying the current exciting the source,
there will corresponding changes the
60 action upon the receiver and thus signals
may transmitted and many other useful
effects produced. apparatus for utilizing radiant en
ergy, comprising combination, condenser,
one terminal which subjected the ac- 105
tion rays radiations, and the other of
which connected with the ground, circuit
and apparatus therein adapted operated
by the discharge the accumulated energy
in the condenser, set forth. no
5. ordinal^
50 symmetrical alternating currents are em
ployed, provision should made for allow
ing the rays fall upon the plate only
during those periods when they are product-,
ive the desired result.
tion rays radiations and the other of
which connected with the ground, local 115
circuit connected with the condenser-termi
nals, circuit-controller therein and means
adapted operated the discharge of
the condenser when the local circnit closed,
as set forth.
40 clear from what has been stated above
that the terminal connected plate
supplying positive instead negative elec
tricity the rays should convey negative elec
tricity plate The source maybe any
45 form Roentgen Lenard tube; but is
obvious from the theory action that in
order very effective the electrical im
pulses exciting should wholly least
preponderating^ one sign. The working or
discharge circuit connected the terminals
T the condenser includes this case
the primary transformer and circuit-
controller comprising fixed terminal or
IS brush and movable terminal Vin the shape
of wheel, with conducting and insulating
segments, which may rotated arbi
trary speed any suitable means. 2
andalsothatthespecialdetailsofeonstruetion ,
and arrangement the several parts the
apparatus may very greatly varied with- 70
out departure from the invention. Furthermore, will un
derstood that any form circuit-closer which
will respond set operation when a
65 predetermined amount energy stored in
the condenser may used lieu the device
specificallydescribed with reference Fig. apparatus for utilizing radiant en
ergy, comprising combination condenser, 75
one armature which subjected the ac
tion rays radiations, independent means
for charging the other armature, circuit and
apparatus therein adapted operated or
controlled the discharge the condenser, 80
as set forth.
7. in
ductive relation the primary wire coil p
20 secondary usually much greater
number turns, the ends which con
nected receiver The terminals the
condenser being connected, indicated, one
to insulated plate and the other a
25 grounded plate P', when the tube Sis excited
rays streams matter are emitted from
the same, which convey positive charge to
the plate and condenser-terminal while
terminal continuously receiving nega-
30 tive electricity from the plate This, as
before explained, results accumulation
of electrical energy the condenser, which
goes long the circuit including the
primary interrupted. apparatus for utilizing radiant en
ergy, comprisingin combination, condenser,
one armature which subjected the ac
tion rays radiations, independent means 85
for charging the other armature, local cir
cuit connected with the condenser-terminals,
a circuit-controller therein and means adapted
to operated controlled the discharge
of the condenser when the local circuit 90
closed, set forth.
2. apparatus for utilizing radiant en
ergy, comprising combination,a condenser,
one terminal which subjected the ac
tion rays radiations and the other of
which connected with the ground, local 125
circuit connected with the condenser-termi
nals, circuit-controller therein adapted to
be operated given rise potential the
condenser, and devices operated the dis
charge the condenser when the local circuit 130
is closed, set forth.
3. Whenever the cir-
35 euit closed owing the rotation the
terminal the stored energy discharged
through the primary this giving rise the
secondarys induced currents, ivhich oper
ate the receiver R. It
5 may excited attaching one the
terminals ofany generator sufficiently high
electromotive force; but whatever apparatus
be used important that the tube ex
hausted high degree, otherwise might
io prove entirely ineffective.
Having described invention, what I
claim is—
1. apparatus for utilizing radiant en-
. apparatus for utilizing radiant en
ergy, comprising combination, condenser,
one terminal which subjected the ac
tion rays radiations, independent means 95
for charging the other armature, local cir
cuit connected with the condenser-terminals,
a circuit-controller therein dependent for op
eration given rise potential the con
denser, and devices operated the discharge 100
of the condenser when the local circuit is
closed, set forth. 120