the device
d shown composed two very thin con
ducting-plates placed close proximity 80
and véry mobile, either reason extreme
flexibility owing the character their
support. Fig.
My discovery will more fully understood
20 from the following description and annexed
drawings, which referenceis now made, and
in which—
Figure diagram showing the general
arrangement apparatus usually em-
25 ployed.685,!
ter generally convey positive charge the
first condenser-terminal, which connected
to the plate conductor above mentioned, I
usually connect the second terminal the
5 condenser the ground, this being the most
convenient way obtaining negative elec
tricity, dispensing with the necessity pro
viding artificial source. order util
ize for any useful purpose the energy accu-
io malated the condenser, furthermore con
nect the terminals the same circuit in
cluding instrument apparatus which it
is desired operate and another instrument
or device for alternately closing and opening
15 the circuit. The op
posite terminal of,the condenser being con
nected the ground, which may consid
ered vast reservoir negative electricity,
a feeble current flows continuously into the
60 condenser, and inasmuch these supposed
particles are inconceivably small radius
or curvature, and consequently charged a
relatively very high potential, this charging of
the condenser may continue, have ac-
6g tually observed, almost indefinitely, even to
the point rupturing the dielectric. a.
Fig. the current ceases the armature is
retracted the spring without, however,
moving the wheel With the stoppage 105
the current the plates cease attracted
and separate, thus restoring the circuit its
original condition. When the radia
tions the sun other radiant source fall
Upon plate current flows into the con
denser, above explained, until the poten- 95
tial therein rises sufficiently attract and
bring into contact the two plates and
thereby close the circuit connected the two
condenser-terminals. This
50 phenomenon, believe, best explained as
follows: The sun, well other sources of
radiant energy, throws off minute particles of
matter positively electrified,which,impinging
upon the plate communicate continuously
55 electrical charge the same. the
device such character that will op
erate close the circuit in'which in
cluded when the potential the condenser
has reached certain magnitude, the accumu- 70
lated charge will pass through the circuit,
which also includes the receiverR, and oper
ate the latter.
The apparatus being arranged shown, it
45 will found that when the radiations the
sun any other source capable pro
ducing the effects before described fall upon
the plate accumulation electrical
energy the condenser will result.
A suitable reflector may provided for con
centrating and directing the radiations. The terminals
40 the condenser are also connected a
circuit which includes device oper
ated and circuit-controlling device the
character above referred to. This latter may any form of
circuit-controller, with fixed movable parts
or electrodes, which may actuated either
by thestored energy independent means,.
In illustration particular form ap
paratus which may used carrying out 75
my discovery now refer Fig. A
magnet and circuit-controller are ar- 115
ranged in'the previous figures; but the
present case the former instead performing
itself the whole work only serves the purpose
of alternately opening and closing local
circuit, containing source current and 120
a receiving translating device The
controller desired, may consist two
fixed electrodes separated minute air-
gap weak dielectric film, which breaks
down more less suddenly when definite 125
difference potential reached the ter
minals the condenser and returns its
original state upon the passage the dis
charge. The plates are 85
connected series with working circuit,
including suitable receiver, which this
case shown consisting electromag
net movable armature retractile
spring and ratchet-wheel provided 90
with spring-pawl -r, which pivoted ar
mature illustrated.
As illustrative the manner which the
several parts elements the apparatus in
one its simplest forms are arranged
and connected for useful operation, reference
35 made Fig.similar diagram illustrat
ing more detail typical forms thedevices
or elements used practice, and Figs. 130
4, which the source radiant energy is
a special form Roentgen tube devised by
. which the condenser,
P the insulated plate conducting body
which exposed the rays, and another
plate conductor which grounded, all be
ing joined series, shown.
Still another modification shown Fig. improve their action,they should
be inclosed receptacle, from which the
air maybe exhausted. shows modified form apparatus
used connection with artificial source no
of radiant energy, which this instance may
be arc emitting copiously ultra-violet rays. and
4are diagrammatical representations modi
fied arrangements suitable for special pur-
30 poses. This permits flow of
current which energizes the magnet caus- 100
ing draw down the armature and im
part partial rotation the ratchet-wheel
w. this
figure, which the general arrangement of
the elements'is identical Fig