The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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43 apparatus for utilizing effects or disturbances transmitted from distant source, the combination with storage device and independent source energy for charging the same, receiving-circuit con- 45 nected with the storage device, device sen­ sitive the effects disturbances and de­ termining under their control the flow cur­ rent the receiving-circuit, substantially as set forth. 7. 20 apparatus for utilizing effects or disturbances transmitted through the natural media from distant source, the combination of circuit, independent local source of electricity included therein, storage device 25 connected with the said circuit and adapted to receive energy from the said source, de­ vice normally very high resistance, but adapted have its resistance reduced when- acted upon the effects disturbances, a 30 receiving-circuit connected with the storage device, transformer, the primary which is included said receiving-circuit, device adapted open and close the receiving-cir­ cuit predetermined intervals time, re- 35 eeiver, and device, normally very high re­ sistance, but adapted have its resistance reduced when acted upon the effects dis­ turbances, and included the secondary cir­ cuit the transformer, set forth. Witnesses: E SUNDERLIN, D . 11. 50 10.685,950 *7 action the effects disturbances and de- I termining under their control the flow the current the charging-circuit, and receiv­ ing-circuit supplied with energy from the 5 storage device and including receiver and a device sensitive electrical variations the receiving-circuit, substantially as'described. apparatus for utilizing effects or disturbances transmitted through the natural media from distant source, the combination 80 of storage device, battery like inde­ pendent source energy for charging the same, sensitive device adapted have its resistance varied under the influence the effects disturbances, circuit connected 85 with the terminals the storage device, a transformer having its primary said circuit and receiver the secondai’y circuit the transformer, the sensitive device being one branch Wheatstone bridge, the storage 90 device one of. apparatus for utilizing effects or disturbances transmitted from distant source, the combination storage device, a battery similar independent source 65 energy for charging the same, sensitive de­ vice adapted have its resistance varied un­ der the influence the effects disturb­ ances, receiver adapted operated by the discharge the storage device, the sen- 70 sitive device being one branch Wheat­ stone bridge, the storage device one the cross connections between two opposite points of the bridge, and the battery the other cross connection, and resistances and 75 L" the three remaining branches the bridge, set forth. the cross connections be­ tween opposite points the bridge and the battery the other cross connection, and re­ sistances and the three remaining branches the bridge, set forth. NIKOLA TESLA. 12. apparatus for utilizing effects or disturbances transmitted through the natural media from distant source, the combination with storage device and independent source energy for charging the same, a receiving-circuit connected with the storage 55 device, device sensitive the effects or disturbances and adapted have its resist­ ance varied the action thereon such effects disturbances and determining un­ der their control the flow current the 60 receiving-circuit, substantially set forth. I . apparatus for utilizing effects or disturbances transmitted through the natural io media from distant source, the combination of condenser, charging-circuit connected therewith and including device sensitive to the action the effects disturbances and determining under their control the flow of 15 the current the charging-circuit, and re­ ceiving-circuit supplied with energy from the condenser and including receiver and de­ vice sensitive electrical variations the receiving-circuit, substantially described