condenser and device normally very
high resistance but adapted have its re
sistance reduced when acted upon the ef
fects disturbances, with receiving-circuit
connected with the condenser and including
a receiver and device adapted open and
close the receiving-circuit predetermined
intervals time, substantially described. apparatus for utilizing effects or
disturbances transmitted from distant
source, the combination electrical stor
age device,a charging-circuit connected there
with and including device sensitive the
“ 5
. How
ever, under certain conditions, which are well
35 understood those skilled the art, the
devices will operate whichever way the sec
ondary connected.
What claim new, and desire secure
65 Letters Patent, is—
1. resistance re
duced when acted upon the effects dis
turbances, with receiving-circuit connected
with the storage device and including re
ceiver and device adapted open and close
the receiving-circuit predetermined inter
vals time, substantially described.
5. the other hand, the resistance
L" should not too large and should re
lated the capacity the condenser and the
number makes and breaks effected the
45 device well-known ways.685,'
the secondary coil Owing this the di
electric the device gives way, and the
current the battery being allowed to
pass the receiver operated, but only for
5 moment, since bj^ the rotation the de
vices a', and which may all driven
from the same shaft, the original conditions
are restored, assuming, course, that the
electromotive force set the disturbances
io the terminals the sensitive device is. preferable make
the inductive resistances and relatively
large, they are shunt the device a
40 and might, made too small, impair its sen
6. order render the discharged
energy the condenser more effective in
causing the operation the receiver, the re
sistance the primary circuit should very
20 small and the secondary coil should havea
number turns many times greater than
that the primary coil will noted
that since the condenser under the above as
sumptions always charged the same di-
25 rection the strongest, current impulse the
secondary coil, which induced the mo
ment when the brush 1
c comes contact
with segment also unchanging-direc
tion, and for the attainment the best re-
30 suits necessary connect the secondary
coil that the electromotive force this im
pulse will added that the battery and
will momentarily strengthen the same.
60 Obviously the character the devices and
the manner which they are connected or
related may greatly varied without depart
ing from tire spirit invention.
only momentary duration not longer
than the time closure the primary cir
cuit; otherwise the receiver will actuated
a number times and long the in-
15 iluence the disturbances upon the device a
By carefully observing well-known rules of
50 scientific design and adjustment the in
struments the apparatus may made ex
tremely sensitive and capable responding
to the feeblest influences, thus makingit pos
sible utilize impulses disturbances trans-
55 mitted from very great distances and too
feeble detected utilized any the
ways heretofore known, and this account
the method here described lends itself many
scientific, and practical uses great value. apparatus for utilizing effects or
disturbances transmitted through the natural
i956 .
media from distant source, the combination
of electrical storage device, charging-
circuit connected therewith and including a
device sensitive the action the effects or
disturbances and determining under their
control the flow current the charging-
circuit, receiving-circuit including re
ceiver, and means for periodically discharg
ing the storage device through the receiving-
circuit,, substantially described. In/an apparatus for utilizing effects or
disturbances transmitted through the natural
media from distant-source, the combination
of condenser, charging-circuit connected
therewith and including source electric
ity and device-sensitive the action the
effects disturbances and determining un
der their control the flow current the
charging-circuit, receiving-circuit includ
ing receiver, and means for periodically
discharging the condenser through the re
ceiving-circuit, substantially described. apparatus for utilizing effects or
disturbances transmitted through the natural
media from distant source, the combination
of circuit including source electricity,
a . apparatus for utilizing effects or
disturbances transmitted from distant
source, the combination circuit including
a source electricity, storage device adapt
ed charged thereby and device, nor
mally very high resistance but adapted to
have its resistance reduced when acted upon
by the effects disturbances, with receiv
ing-circuit connected with the storage device
and including the primary transformer
and device adapted open and close such
second circuit predetermined intervals of
time, and receiver included the second
ary the transformer, substantially de
scribed. Similar con
siderations apply, course, the circuits in
cluding the primary and secondary re
spectively. apparatus for utilizing effects or
disturbances transmitted through the natural
media from distant source, the combination
of circuit including source electricity,
a storage device adapted charged there
by and device normally very high re
sistance but adapted have its