The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

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Poznámky redaktora
6. The method insulating conductors herein set forth which consists surround­ ing supporting the conductors ma­ terial which acquires insulating properties when frozen solidified state, and main- 25 taining the material such státe the cir­ culation cooling agent through circuit of pipes tubes extending through the said material set forth. NIKOLA TESLA. The method insulating electric con- 30 ductors which consists laying support­ ing the conductors trough conduit filling the trough with material which ac­ quires insulating properties when frozen or solidified, and then causing cooling agent 35 to circulate through one more channels ex­ tending through the material the trough so freeze solidify the material, as set forth. 5. 5 The method insulating electric con­ ductor which consists surrounding sup­ porting said conductor material which acquires insulating properties when frozen or solidified, and maintaining the material in io snch state passing cooling agent continu­ ously through channel said conductor, as set forth. . Witnesses: Parker Page, M. 7.655,838 5 taining the material snch state the circulation through one more channels ex­ tending through cooling agent, set forth. The method insulating electric con­ ductors, which consists surrounding or iS supporting the said conductors material which acquires insulating properties when in a frozen solidified state, and maintaining the material such state the continued application thereto cooling agent, set 20 forth. Lawson Dyer