To all whom concern:
Be known that Nikola Tesla, from
SmiljanLika, border country Austria-Hun
gary, residing New York, Y. 252,132.
The diametrically-oppositecoils are connected
up operate pairs producing
free poles diametrically-opposite parts of
the ring.
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No.
Figures 8and 8s, inclusive, are dia
grams illustrating the principle the action 60
of invention.nited States Patent Office.
Application filed October 12,1867. -These
terminals are connected the terminals of
the motor the wires and the"man
ner indicated, whereby two complete circuits
are formed—one including, say, the coils ico
. 65
Referring first Fig. 381,968, dated May 1,1888.
My present invention directed thepro-
duction and improvement apparatus capa
ble more nearly meetiug these requirements
30 than those heretofore available, and though I
have described various means for the purpose,
they involve the same main principles con
struction and mode operation,which may be
described follows: motor employed in
35 which there are two more independent cir
cuits through which alternate currents are
passed proper intervals,in the manner here
inafter described, for the purpose effecting
a progressive shifting the. Serial No. Any conven
ient form collector brush bears each
ring, and forms terminal which the cur- 95
rent and from ring conveyed. magnetism of
40 the lines force” accordance with the
well-known theory, and consequent action
of the motor. 90
The free ends each coil are carried through
the shaft and connected, respectively, in
sulated contact-rings b'., ASSIGNOR ONE-HALF CHARLES
F. This 85
disk mounted turn freely within the
ring The generator any ordinary
type, that shown the present instance hav
ing field-magnets and cylindrical arma
ture-core, wound with the two coils B'. obvious that proper
progressive shifting the lines force may
be utilized set movement rotation
45 either element the motor, the armature,
or the field magnet, and that the"currents
directed through the several circuits the
motor are the proper direction commu
tator for the motor will required; but to
50 avoidall the usual commutating appliances in
the system prefer connect the motor-cir
cuits directly with those suitable alter
nate-current generator. On
the other hand, necessary, attain a
greater economy conversion than has here-
20 tofore existed, construct cheaper and more
reliable and simple apparatus, and, lastly, the
apparatus must capable easy manage
ment, and such that, all danger from the use of
currents high tension, which are neces-
25 sary economical transmission, may be
NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. The four free ends thus left are con- 80
nected terminals indicated. which diagram
matic representation motor, generator,
and connecting-circuitsin accordance with my
invention, the motor, and the gener
ator for driving it.
t5 Such solution, primarily, demands uni
formity speed the motor irrespective of
its load within its normal working limits. (Nomodel. The motor comprises 70
ring annulus, preferably built of
thin insulated iron rings annular plates, so
as susceptible possible variations
in its magnetic condition. The remaining figures are
views the apparatus various forms by
means which the invention may carried
into effect, and which will described in
their order.
Near the ring, and preferably inside it, there
is mounted axis shaft, magnetic
disk, generally circular shape, but hav
ing two segments cut away, shown.
5 vented certain new and useful Improvements
in Electro-Magnetic Motors, which the fol
lowing specification, reference being had
to the drawings accompanying and forming a
part the same.
io The practical solution the problem the
electrical conversion and transmission me
chanical energy involves certain requirements
which the apparatus and systems heretofore
employed have not been capable fulfilling. This ring sur
rounded four coils insulated wire sym- 75
metrically placed, and designated CCO'O'. The practical results
of such system, its economical advantages,
and the mode its construction and opera- 55
tion will described more detail ref
erence the accompanying diagrams and-