The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

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Poznámky redaktora
8.609,845 a series conductors the receptacle and a duct carried the said magnetic body and adapted take one end conducting fluid the receptacle when the latter rotates 5 and direct such fluid from its opposite end against the series conductors. Witnesses: M , G.. The combination with receptacle for containing conducting fluid, series of spaced conductors within the same, and a io motor, the armature which connected with the receptacle impart rotation thereto, magnetic body capable turning freely within the receptacle about axis concentric with that the'latter, duct car­ ried the said body having one end po- 15 sition take the conducting fluid and the other position discharge against the spaced conductors, and magnet exterior to the receptacle for holding the magnetic body stationary when the receptacle rotated. 20 NIKOLA TESLA