As stated above, the specific construction
40 the circuit-controller may very greatly
varied wjtliout departure from the invention. 2,1have shown but two brushes
io each set and two condensers, but more
than this number may used, the same plan
of connectionsshown anddescribed being fid-
lowed out.
The motor may run independent
35 souree current derived from .the /contacts the second set bear,
and. apparatus the kind described,
the combination with set contacts, one
of which adapted for connection with one
of the mains from source current, and
each which connected one the ter- 65
minals series condensers, and sec
ond-setqf.high frequency obtainable apparatus of
any size; that the current ofdischarge through 55
the sliding contacts greatly reduced and
injury such contacts thereby avoided and
a great saying wire the secondary ef
M. isolated plates .of the same set connected one
' the terminals the condensers re
spectively. Dvkk,
I)i:r i:v :. contacts similarly connected the
opposite main and condenser terminals, re-
i speclively, electrically-connected plales or
segments upon which the contacts the first 70
-set bear, similarly-connected plates upon
. forth. con
densers will thus charged; now the
movement of. ':"v:
Wlml claim is— 60
1. . main and condenser terminals, respee- S5
lively, cylinder composed elect rically-
connected segments upon which the positive
brushes only bear, similarly-connected seg
ments upon which the negative brushes only
bear, and isolated plates upon which both 90
sets brushes simultaneously bear, the said
plates being arranged the manner de
scribed, whereby the condensers will alter
nately charged'in multiple and discharged in
series, set forth.
- XIKOl.BEST AVAILABLE COP'.the.-alternately charged multiple
. Similarly the bpush the other
5 set brushes connected the opposite
main and each the brushes said set to
the opposite condenser terminals through the
primary strands primary G.
In apparatus the kind described,
the combination withasetof positive brushes,
one which adapted for connection with So
one the maiiis from source current,
and each which connected one the
terminals aseriesof condensers, and nega
tive brushes similarly connected the oppo
site., the
diagram, Fig.in- said coils, the. discharged- series, set.
In the drawings the plates are assumed be
associated the form cylinder winch
revolves with respect brushes bearing on
45 its periphery; but will understood that
this merely typical illustration of-any
form terminals contacts conduc
tors, whether rotary reciprocal ing, which
constitute circuit-controller'capable ef-
50 feeling the same result. Lawson.common the two sets
of Contacts, the said plates being arranged in
the manner described, whereby the condens- 75
ers will be.which . These auctions are repeated
30 the further movement the controller,
thecondensersbeingeliargcd parallel when
the brushes are phites and discharged
in series when the bfushes pass onto plates «.the controller-plates biuslies
the latter are Shifted across the idle orispae-
ing plates onto the long cross-connected
25 plates two results follow: The mains are
short-circuited through the coils which
therefore store energy, while the condensers
are connected series through the primary
coil coils (1.and.
main through the coils and eaeli one the
and the apparatus may employed sup
ply current for any suitable devices ST, con
nected with the secondary coil II.A TKS1. Consequently the eir-
cuit through the coils through the con
densers nndtipIeV and, assuming that cn-
20 ergy has been stored .
The advantages resulting from the subdi
vision the condenser the employment of
a plurality condensers are mainly that a
. •
In the position the parts shown Fig,
15 which two positive and two negative,
brushes are shown, the brushes are bearing
on plates and 1