Tn <ili ■
Jic known that XlKoi.these
plates maybe considered belonging three
sets classes, first, the plates for what
may considered the positive bfushes- 90
D I)'1
'in one row, electrically connected to
gether, and the corresponding plates for
what may similarly considered t-honeg
ative brushes the other ro„\v; second,
the plates which liein both rows, and hence 95
are conveniently made single pieces ex
tending across the controller, and, third, the
idle spacing plates which are interposed
in each row between the other two sets. diagram
of the circuit connections,
p: Referring Fig. designate the
mains from suitable source supply, be
tween which circuit formed, including 80
theself-induction. 609,292.
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No.
IThe brush one set connected with one
. Around the break or
35 point interruption have arranged con
denser, into which the circuit discharges when
interrupted, and this condenser turn
made discharge through circuit contain-'
ing the primary transformer, and such
40 character that the condenser-discharge ill
be the form extremely rapid succes
sion impulses. box case con- 60
tabling the eonrtensers, which the termi
nals arc 7t/v respectively.cure the operation pointed out.
Referring now Fig.coils and the circuit-
controller switch may employed
to bring cither both the coils into
this circuit, may desired.
Now order secure apparatus of
this kind high frequency possible and
45 the advantages resulting therefrom subdi
vide the condenser necessary for storing the
energy required into integral parts provide
independent condensers, ami employ means
fur charging1
'said condensers multiple and i
50 discharging them series through the pi-i- i
m (he transformer. These devices are intended 70
be inclosed suitable box case, and may
be very greatly modilied- construction and
relative arrangement.useful Improvements
*in Apparatus for Producing Currents High
Frequency, which the following specili-
eution, reference being had the drawings
accoinpanying and forming part the
io same.
'The invention upon which present ap
plication based improvement appa
ratus for the conversion, electrical currents
of ordinary character—stieli, for instance;las
i-5 are obtainable from the mains municipal
electric light and power systems and either
continuous iiUernating—into•ciiiTents of
very high frequency iiiid potential. this case
is mounted small electromagnetic motor 1>,
by the shaft which operated the circuit-
controller Upon the said controller bear 65
brushes, shown 1>
' I)” R
F are self-induction coils placed beside
the motor. The
angle between adjacent plates the same 100
: set equal . 0i;S,17ii; but the de
scription the invention which follows the
25 illustration con lined forjn apparatus
designed for converting continuous di
rect current into 011c high-frequency. The circuit-controller,
however, should conform general princi
ple construction that hereinafter de- 75
Scribed far 1
*be necessary se-
. Above these the transformer,
composed; essent ially, primary and a
secondary 11.
The circuit-controller built insii- 85
luted plates segments, upon which the posi
tive and negative brushes bear, and . In
the several forms apparatus for this pur
pose which have devised and heretofore de-
3c scribed lone employed circuit high self-
induction connected with the mains from a
suitable source current and containing
some form éireuit-controller for periodic
ally interrupting it.' secure this re- 1
sub wii hnut -unduly'complienting tin- uppa- !
rat matter very considerable diffi
culty, but have accomplished means
of the apparatuswhichf shall now proceed 55
to describe reference tlfe drawings.BESTAVAILABLE COP’. ‘Nomodel.A Tksí. '
The improveihent applicable generally to
so apparatus the kind heretofore invented lo
me and'-more particularly described United
States Letters Patent granted Sep
tember 22, 1s;nl, Xu. Serial N
o.a, citi-
Zfiiol'thc UnitedStatos,iosidiiigatNew York,
in tli<‘county and Stale <ifNow York, have in-
^ vented certain newand. v.
U nited States Patent Office. 583,953, dated June 1897.
ApplicationfiledOctober19,1896..to the angle displacement bc-
i lween adjacent, brushes the same sign, and
i obviously there may two more each.
Figuře side elevation <
f the appara
tus which employ, and Fig