The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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The steam then shut off and cold water passed through the coil The connections with the pump are 5 then reversed and air forced into the tank and receiver and the further cooling and solidification the insulating material car­ ried under pressure considerably greater than that the atmosphere. What claim is— 50 The improvement the manufacture of electrical devices such condensers, which consists inclosing the device air-tight recejffacle, exhausting the air from the re­ ceptacle, introducing into vessel containing 55 the device insulating material rendered fluid heat, and then when said material has permeated the interstices the said de­ vice, subjecting the whole pressure, and maintaining such pressure until the material 60 has cooled and solidified, set forth. this end per­ mit the insulating compound after its incor­ poration with the device, under exhaustion and pressure, cool and solidify, that not 45 only the air replaced solid insulating compound, but the formation vacuous spaces the contraction the mass cool­ ing prevented.577,671 55 of the condenser have been permeated with the insulating material. Witnesses: M. . NIKOLA TESLA. My process, however, differs from the foregoing mainly this, that seek not only fill the 35 pores any porous material that may in­ terposed between the conductors such a device condenser coil, but fill up all the spaces the dielectric, whereby air or vacuous spaces, the presence which the 40 dielectric deleterious the device, may be effectually prevented. After the in- io sulating material has cooled and solidified the condenser other device, with the adher­ ing mass insulating material, removed from the receptacle and the superfluous in­ sulating material taken off, is have found that condensers, transformers, and similar apparatus treated this proc­ ess are very superior quality and espe­ cially suited for circuits which convey cur­ rents high frequency and potential, zo aware that conductors covered with a more orless porous material have been treated by placing them closed receptacle, ex­ hausting the air from the receptacle, then in­ troducing fluid insulating compound and 25 subjecting the same pressure, for the pur­ pose more perfectly incorporating the in­ sulating compound with the surrounding coating covering the conductors and causing such compound enter the inter- 30 stices said covering, and apply this prin­ ciple exhausting the air and introducing the fluid insulating compound under pres­ sure carrying out improvement. , P arker e